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View Full Version : Ludum Dare 17 (Apr. 23rd - 25th)

18-04-2010, 12:55 PM
Yo people... long time no see. Hows it going? Anyway, back to business... :P

Ludum Dare 17 is taking place this coming weekend. So let's see how many Pascal game developers will participate... Anyone game?

Ludum Dare 17 (http://www.ludumdare.com/compo)

18-04-2010, 01:05 PM
Sounds interesting. :)

I can't participate because I have too many projects at the moment. I do really hope that there are people at PGD who have the time to give this a shot.

BTW: The link in your post isn't correct. Please remove the quotes and add a : after http. ;)

18-04-2010, 01:24 PM
I'm in as usual (or like the three times before (Mini LDs excluded) (http://www.ludumdare.com/compo/author/stoney/) :) ).
This time I hope to place something in the TOP 10.
I really hope Stalker_23b will participate again, he made an awesome entry last time.
Currently I'm finishing up my basecode and will post something soon on the LD homepage.

18-04-2010, 01:59 PM
BTW: The link in your post isn't correct. Please remove the quotes and add a : after http. ;)

Oops, my bad... :D Fixed

I'm in as usual (or like the three times before (Mini LDs excluded) (http://www.ludumdare.com/compo/author/stoney/) :) ).
This time I hope to place something in the TOP 10.
I really hope Stalker_23b will participate again, he made an awesome entry last time.
Currently I'm finishing up my basecode and will post something soon on the LD homepage.

Like your SimTower clone idea ;)

This will be my first Ludum Dare entry, so I will see how it goes...

18-04-2010, 02:21 PM
Great. Two participants allready. Please make us proud! :D

18-04-2010, 04:23 PM
I'll try to participate again this time. I made this entry last time http://www.ludumdare.com/compo/ludum-dare-16/?action=preview&uid=1504

I think I'll do it a bit differently this year though. The most important change would be to not drink whiskey this time around :D

Collision detection was really hard to handle. I just gave up on that.. Simple sound effects should be easy to make too

18-04-2010, 11:00 PM
Hey if enough people participate and I'll do a Special Report on it and highlight all your games that go in. Hows that for motivation? And maybe the highest placed Pascal game will get a free printed copy of the next Pascal Gamer issue? :)

19-04-2010, 08:33 AM
That could be a fun little "inhouse" competition :P
This time I'll win, Stoney! 8)

I'm going to make the game over at a friends place. He's also participating, but doesn't want to do it in Python. So maybe we'll both have to choose a language that neither of us know(unless I can talk him into using pascal)

19-04-2010, 09:38 PM
Great, 3 of us so far... C'mon people, give WILL his article ;) Let's see how many PGD members enter Ludum Dare...

19-04-2010, 10:10 PM
Hey I love seeing you guys come up with some great stuff in these competitions. Be sure however to give me your real names so that I can credit YOU and not your internet personality in the magazine. ;)

20-04-2010, 04:10 AM
Well I doubt I can crank out a game in Pascal that fast, but it all depends on what the end theme is. Around half of them I couldn't think of any workable ideas, so I hope one of them I voted for wins, then I might tinker with it.

... After patching up Andorra and familiarizing myself more with it, perhaps this will be possible. (Only caveat being collision detection might not work on all machines, and I like pixel perfect so it'll run slower.)

20-04-2010, 02:17 PM
I may give this a go too

21-04-2010, 06:35 AM
Nice. :) I've missed seeing you do stuff Alex. All your stuff usually comes out pretty polished and all nifty.

21-04-2010, 11:59 PM
On a somewhat important note: anyone know of a cross platform sound lib? I looked into audorra, but not even the demos run. I also downloaded and tinkered with ACS (and got it working), but it only supports Windows and Linux. I'd like Win/Mac/Linux compatibility... if not I'd probably settle on ACS.

22-04-2010, 12:19 AM
On a somewhat important note: anyone know of a cross platform sound lib? I looked into audorra, but not even the demos run. I also downloaded and tinkered with ACS (and got it working), but it only supports Windows and Linux. I'd like Win/Mac/Linux compatibility... if not I'd probably settle on ACS.

You might want to take a look at SDL_mixer (packaged with JEDI-SDL). It's simple, but does only support 2D sound. Supported file formats are MP3, OGG, MIDI on some platforms and WAV.

22-04-2010, 01:51 AM
I suppose it is a viable option (if I did my math right, about 700kb).

Only thing I'm confused about is how I would set this all up. For one thing, JEDI-SDL seems to be using an older version of SDL, is it compatible enough so I can just download the latest SDL_Mixer libs from the website (1.2.11), include sdl and sdl_mixer, and expect everything to work? Or am I going to have to find an older version of sdl_mixer to match?

Rather than using Jedi-SDL, I used the SDL packaged with FPC (which I imagine may be at least part jedi-sdl). Copied over the latest libs, and after an hour or so of tinkering I've got it playing MP3's happily! Thanks for the idea Stoney. (Although currently the total extra size seems to be 1.1mb, we'll see if I can't trim some fat)

22-04-2010, 05:39 AM
On a somewhat important note: anyone know of a cross platform sound lib? I looked into audorra, but not even the demos run. I also downloaded and tinkered with ACS (and got it working), but it only supports Windows and Linux. I'd like Win/Mac/Linux compatibility... if not I'd probably settle on ACS.

I'd have to recommend what I always recommend. OpenAL (headers by Noeska) or if you want you can even use SDL instead both work rather well and easily, but SDL is more simplified. You could definately learn both in 2 days. However to play music files or something other than raw WAV files it might take a bit to get that working with OpenAL so... SDL might be the better bet, just be wary of trying to use the SDL_mixer for Windows at 441kHz or higher. (Personal experience)

27-04-2010, 10:12 PM
Yeah man, OpenAL, tis free, cross platform and it works. But don't expect it to hold your hand ;)

Fmod has pascal headers floating around, at least for the fmod 3 api. free for non-commercial but very pricey, even for a hobby licence.

Oh and there's BASS of course : http://www.un4seen.com/

comes with pascal headers, free for non commercial use, but far cheaper than fmod, the shareware licence is quite reasonable if you're looking to profit from your passion.

Audorra seems like a good choice on paper, but I've not used it so can't comment on implementation, however the developer writes excellent code, I know that much.