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09-05-2010, 03:32 PM
Hey all,

After about a year of nearly zero game programming activities I've decided to give it a try again. In the past years I've struggled a lot with both engines as well as graphics. I've used engines that are now old or abandoned. I've used my own codebase, which meant a lot of time was spent on things other than the actual game. That is one of the things I'm going to change. I've been in contact with Jarrod Davis of PyroGine‚Ѣ Development and I'm happy to say I will be using his engine for this project.

Regarding graphics, it's an ever present question. Why do that too? Simple, because I like doing it. Plus, unless I pay someone to do the job, chances are it wont get finished. During the past couple of months I have spent quit a bit of time doing 3d modeling, practicing, participating in contests, etc. Hopefully the experience I've built up is going to help.

So, about the game. I've burned myself over and over again by starting something that, in the end, was too big or too complicated. Of course there is always a possibility things get out of hand, but choosing a proper genre may limit that greatly. For this project I'm going back to one of the very first genres: Platform games. Pretty much in the style of the games by Apogee. I have some good memories of them and I've always wanted to recreate that experience.

For the time being, I have no intention of starting a new blog or website. All information regarding this project will be placed here in this thread. If things go well, and I hope they do, I might start a site to organize the material.

Ok, enough talk for now. First stop is designing the main character, a marine. Perhaps a bit of a common character these days, but what can I say, I like sci fi. ;)
Here's a first render. Mind you it's a WIP and thus far from finished.


More to come soon...

09-05-2010, 04:00 PM
Wow.. that's a nice detailed model. You've really spend some time one that one, me thinks. :yes:

I'd like to see more.

09-05-2010, 06:25 PM
That model looks cool. What software are you using?
Glad to see you are developing a game again. I've been a fan of your work since the DelphiX platformer tutorials.

09-05-2010, 08:17 PM
Thanks both :)

It's probably going to be more detailed later on. I've collected nearly two dozen images of space marines, troopers and such as inspiration. It's somewhat harder than I thought it would be and takes quite a bit of time too. It's not so much the modeling (I use Lightwave btw), but rather the design of the suite that makes it hard. I can't wait to start texturing though. That's when it really starts to look good :)

09-05-2010, 10:56 PM
Hey nice first model shot. I'm pretty excited to see you making games again. I hope to see some cool screenies soon.

What kind(s) of genre are we talking here? Platformer, overhead shooter, FPS, 3rdPS, RPG? :) Will the game have a storyline?

10-05-2010, 12:03 AM
Hey nice first model shot. I'm pretty excited to see you making games again. I hope to see some cool screenies soon.

What kind(s) of genre are we talking here? Platformer, overhead shooter, FPS, 3rdPS, RPG? :) Will the game have a storyline?

His first post indicates platformer, at least.

I'm guessing you're going to be doing prerendered graphics then?

10-05-2010, 08:16 AM
Yes, a platformer it is. I want to get a simple demo out asap, so I'm aiming for the extreme basics first. Running around, jumping, shooting of course and some enemies. I do not have a complete story yet. The only part I have worked out is the beginning of the game.

10-05-2010, 11:16 AM
Yes, a platformer it is. I want to get a simple demo out asap, so I'm aiming for the extreme basics first. Running around, jumping, shooting of course and some enemies. I do not have a complete story yet. The only part I have worked out is the beginning of the game.

Nice model! I'm looking forward to seeing more of your game...good luck chief :)

Maybe you could use my 2d tile collision code (or similar) from the first Pascal Gamer magazine to help you with your platformer? :)


10-05-2010, 11:49 AM

Coolness. Glad to see things are progressing and of course proud that PGE is getting mileage. ;D If you need help with anything feel free to contact me anytime.
( ((
\ =\
__\_ `-\
(____))( \----
(____)) _
Thumbs Up

Code On my friend, code on.

10-05-2010, 12:58 PM
@Jarrod, Thanks. And I probably will in the near future :)

Thanks Paul :)
I have read your article. It's pretty good. Certainly a source for inspiration when I start coding.

11-05-2010, 10:07 PM
I've taken a short brake from the main character to try an idea for the intro / the main menu screen. I want to have a scene where the viewer/player is sort of standing on the edge of a cliff looking into a valley and way in the background another planet or moon can be seen.

Below a first test of such a planet.


11-05-2010, 10:24 PM
I've taken a short brake from the main character to try an idea for the intro / the main menu screen. I want to have a scene where the viewer/player is sort of standing on the edge of a cliff looking into a valley and way in the background another planet or moon can be seen.

Below a first test of such a planet.


Wow! Very nice indeed...how did you create it? Using a 3d model and some sort of procedural texturing? :)


12-05-2010, 02:50 AM
I'm looking forward to trying your game Alex. I think the first platform project I did used your old tutorials as a basis for accurately detecting platforms while jumping. :) Can't wait to see what other neat ideas you're gonna throw into it.

12-05-2010, 11:13 AM
Thanks :)

You'd probably laugh when I tell you how it's done. Because it really is quite simple.
No fancy applications are required, it's all Photoshop. The 'secret' can be found here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFk_CSjzFZI). Note, the video says CS3 is needed, that's not true, I use PS 7 and it works just as good.

12-05-2010, 02:05 PM

12-05-2010, 08:39 PM
Thanks :)

You'd probably laugh when I tell you how it's done. Because it really is quite simple.
No fancy applications are required, it's all Photoshop. The 'secret' can be found here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFk_CSjzFZI). Note, the video says CS3 is needed, that's not true, I use PS 7 and it works just as good.

LOL! nice :)

Thanks for sharing :)


13-05-2010, 02:25 AM
That's so cool. I wouldn't have thought that I could do that with PS7. :) Nice find man!

28-05-2010, 03:11 PM
Hey all,

It's finally time for a new update :)

It's been a short while, but for the past couple of days, I've been trying to get my head around this little thing called vectors. Incredibly powerful, yet not so easy to grasp. Well, for me anyway, since it's been at least 10 years since my last math class. ;)

So, why vectors? Well I'm looking into adding slopes to my game. Turns out that's a bit of a tricky thing to do. After reading this (http://jnrdev.72dpiarmy.com/en/jnrdev2/) tutorial I was not entirely happy with the result. I guess it sort of worked okay but it left me with a lot of 'what if' questions. So I looked further, found this (http://www.metanetsoftware.com/technique/tutorialA.html), box2d and finally this (http://www.tonypa.pri.ee/vectors/start.html). That last one is actually actionscript, but really quite to easy follow.

Below is an image of this demo (http://www.gameprogrammer.net/pics/projects/platformgame/demo_280510.zip). With the demo you're able to move Pacman the old fashioned way. It collides with the ground and you're able to jump, like you would see in a standard platformer. The real demo however is the bouncing ball (at random speeds) colliding against sloped ground. I've tried to complete the experience by adding appropriate graphics.
Next hurdle is to incorporate a controllable character that's actually able to walk on those slopes :)


28-05-2010, 05:13 PM
Whoa! Impressive. Good work my friend, keep going.

16-06-2010, 08:36 PM
Hey guys,

Here's another project update. I realize it's not much different in terms of how it looks from the previous demo, but rest assured, under the hood, things have changed quite a bit. I'm pretty far into completing the work behind the controllable character (next to his appearance of course :)) With this demo (http://www.gameprogrammer.net/pics/projects/platformgame/demo_16062010.zip) you are now able to move any way you like, up and down ramps, jump (or fly as the jump height has been maxed out for now) or fall down.



16-06-2010, 10:30 PM
Very cool Alex. Curious will there be much difference on a 64-bit or multi-core system for your game? (Not that I have a version of windows that'll take advantage of it yet :P I'm running XP SP1 in my VM currently due to a lack of newer discs) Or will there be a Mac OS X version of your game? Just curious. (and on the look for more great Mac games ;))

Another curiosity; Have you learned anything new while making this game so far? Is there more you could add to your old platform game tutorial as far as character control is concerned?

17-06-2010, 08:06 AM
Cool.. Glad this is still progressing. :)

If you need help with vectors, you've still got me and various other people to help you. :) I think I've got all vector math figured out by now (Especially the 2d part).

17-06-2010, 11:12 AM
Thanks guys :)

At the moment I have no plans to add differences between 32/64 bit and/or multi-/single core systems. Right now all I care about is to have a game that is playable on a machine running directx9. I'm using Jarrod's PyroGine, which is Windows only.

The tech behind this game is very much different than what I used in my tutorials. A huge change is that I'm not bound by tiles anymore. That also means collision detection is completely different. Character movement has changed slightly, with more ways to control it.

21-06-2010, 12:17 AM
Great skills !!! :o keep it up ! :)

28-06-2010, 01:24 PM
2 problems multibel jumps and you can't dhange direction while jumping

29-06-2010, 11:16 PM
Gave it a try. Looking nice. I'd also like to see direction changes when jumping and whatnot, but I understand this is still fairly early days. :)

30-06-2010, 12:28 PM
Thanks all,

I'm aware of the jump restrictions, but as you say Mikade, the game is still early in development. Currently, I'm working on a concept for the game, i.e. what is it about, main characters, goal, etc. Double jumps or the option to perform a mid-air direction change are design choices that need I'm not ready to make just yet. ;)

10-08-2010, 02:07 PM
Things have become somewhat silent so I thought I throw in a post about my still-to-be-named project. In between playing StarCraft 2 (an awesome game btw) and some WoW I've been able to get some work done, too. I spent some time creating an editor. Nothing fancy, but still good enough to set up the boundaries for the character to move against. The most time however was spent on character setup. I've abandoned the sci-fi looking space suite from a couple posts back and turned to something simpler instead.


Here's a screenshot from a setup in Lightwave, a 3d modeling and animation software I use to create the assets for the game. The screenshot shows a character with rigged legs so I can make him walk. To save time with rigging, I tried to model the pose for the upper body, but it didn't turn out as well as I had hoped, so I probably get a complete rig for him anyway.

Anyway, thats where I stand at the moment...

10-08-2010, 06:25 PM
Hey cool! Kinda reminds me of Commander Keen. ;) What to call him... Captain Kosmo? General Jones? ...or Sergent Saulsberry.... hmm... ???

How many animations will the hero have or do you have planned I should say? At least Run, Idle and Shoot as with all shooters, I figure. Will you throw in crouching, prone(laying down) aiming up, etc?

10-08-2010, 06:37 PM
Wow, that looks great. This is getting interesting.

10-08-2010, 10:31 PM
Very nice :)


11-08-2010, 10:41 AM
Thanks guys!

Commander Keen wasn't on my mind when I made him, but I can see why he reminds you of him. As for this guy's name, I have no clue yet. Kosmo has already a game although his name is actually spelled Cosmo ;).

The biggest issue I keep having is that I constantly (and often gradually) expand on an idea, up to a point where it becomes too much work. Like with the first spacesuit, which had way too many details. It looked cool and all, but it's not even ready and the time it took to make that is about the same as for this guy here. And he already has a simple walk animation.

The point is that if I want this game to see completed then I need to carefully consider each option and the work that goes into making it. A run, jump, idle and shooting animation are pretty much mandatory, no doubt about that. But crouching, landing (from a jump) etc, well... thats more secondary. I Agree, they add to the game experience, and it's certainly not that I don't want to, but for now the plan is to get the very basics first and then add more, new stuff after the 1.0v

04-09-2010, 02:02 PM
Hey all,

Here I am again with an update. I just realized while preparing this post that it's been nearly a month since I wrote the previous one. It's weird though as it doesn't really feel like its been that long ago.??? Anyway, as you can see from the image below I've been doing some work designing the environment. I have to admit, it's hard work, very hard. I've been at this for the last five days and the image you see here now, is the latest version. There have been several before it, and while they didn't look bad, in the end I just wasn't happy with them. Oftentimes I would work on something for an entire evening, go to bed and then look at it the following day, thinking to myself,.. 'Nah, this is not it, this is not going to work'.
So I took a couple steps back, tried some new ideas, nearly got fed up about the whole thing, played some WoW to ease my mind a little until a new version was born that I did like,... well sort of. Because even with this one, I believe that a lot of things can be improved, but then, I also realize I cant continue this forever.

So, right now, the plan is to keep this one, extend on it, so it becomes part of a bigger picture, more like a real level. I'm kind of hoping now that once it becomes more like a level, one you can actually play, that my other ideas will fall into place more easily.


As always, comments are most appreciated :)

04-09-2010, 02:15 PM
Graphics-wise brilliant. Has a very polished look, but level design wise it seems a bit dull and deserted

Maybe add a parallaxed starfield, galaxy, moon, etc in the background and more colorful props in the foreground

04-09-2010, 03:59 PM
Looks nice. You certainly spend quite some time on those graphics. :)

A few things you could improve:

It's very hard to see where the character is walking as there is no platform. This can bin kind of confusing.
The game definitely needs a good background, like JSoftware suggests.
The overall picture looks a bit dark and flat. You should add some bright stuff. Explosions, fire or glowing powerups would make it alot more interesting.

I'm pretty sure all these issues will be solved eventually. Just keep on working at it. ;)

04-09-2010, 05:12 PM
Thanks for the replies :)

Good points about the dull and deserted look. I agree with that fully. In fact, it's one of the things I'm having the biggest issues with. If this is already too dull, imagine how a level spanning 10 or more of these platforms added next and under each other look. I somehow need to put more contrast in it, more colors.
A proper background is of course mandatory here. It's definitely on the to-do list, as well as asteroids. I've got a whole bunch of ideas for that.

The main idea for this environment is that it's going to be the starting area of the game, this is where the player begins. There will be a crash site, explaining why the player is here and what he has to do next.

I'm still in doubt whether or not I should do something with collecting items. Like coins or gold or diamonds and such. I don't yet see the value in that. (except that they may help in making the screen less dull?) I'm more in favor of just shooting enemies and getting points for that. From a story point of view having to collect stuff doesn't make sense anyway.

In any case, your replies have convinced me to get a video up asap. Things probably look a whole lot different when in motion.

08-09-2010, 12:33 AM
Hey lookin' good! :) I assume this means it's in a semi-funtional state?

I think a nice dynamic background would be kinda cool. Twinkling stars the odd random shooting star. Maybe a planet, moon or some kind of nebulae to mix things up from level to level.

Well for pickups, you could just have ammo or weapon pick-ups?

What kind of features can we be looking forward to? Cool aliens, enemy soldiers and level bosses, etc?

Well I'm excited to try it out, it's been a while since I've played a good 2D shooter.

08-09-2010, 11:42 PM
Thanks WILL,

The picture above was taken directly from PhotoShop. I've been doing a lot of compositing to get an idea of what works and what doesn't. For instance, there is a planet and some asteroids to be placed in the background. The asteroids spin around, while the planet stays in place. I'm toying with the idea of blurring objects further away, so you get an idea of depth. The planet is currently blurred, but I'm not yet sure if I like it enough so I might change that again.

As for creatures/enemies, I really have no ideas yet. Their design must be simple. That's for sure. I've began animating my hero and while fun, it sure isn't easy. There are now three animations, 2 idle, one running, (each in two directions) and I've already gone over them quite a few times now. I can only imagine how much time it would take if I made several different enemies all with their own animations. :scared:

There really isn't much to play yet. Nothing to shoot or kill, I can only walk around for a bit. There is only one piece of environment and even that is not quite finished. But I wanted to show something anyway, so I prepared a little video of the main character walking and looking and stuff. The environment repeats itself a couple times. It looks weird but does the job for now.

You can view the video here (http://www.gameprogrammer.net/pics/projects/platformgame/planetAnimation.swf)

Enjoy :)

09-09-2010, 12:48 AM
Looking good so far :)


09-09-2010, 03:26 AM
It does look quite good so far. I would work more on the player and mushroom textures TBH, they don't seem to fit with your other art style.

09-09-2010, 04:00 AM
Hey that video looks a bit nicer than your first screenie with these new graphics. I like the grass/moss adds a nice colourful touch while still making the planet/moon look alien.

You know for simple aliens, you could just make slime aliens? Like symbiote tar-like substance that you have to shoot away or off you...? I'm not sure how easy/hard it would be to animate, but it's an idea for a simple 'enemy' type to fight.

As for individual alien monsters to fight, why not pick something like green blobby characters with eyes and big teeth. You can then take your 'base creature' and make different versions of it and change the colour along with give it a few extra moves. ie. spitting acid at the hero. This would allow you to have 2 'different' aliens but the second has an extra move and a different colour. tada! You have easy and tough aliens. ;)

09-09-2010, 08:12 AM
This indeed looks a lot better than your first screenshot. It's good to see things moving. :yes:

Would be cool if you could add some more interaction with the enviroment. Maybe you could make the player pick stuff up from the floor, like powerups. :)

19-09-2010, 03:45 PM
Great vid, keep up the good work !

the landscape is well made ;)

18-10-2010, 04:15 PM
Hey, now that Jarrod changed his engine over to HGE will you be migrating it over or will you stick with the version of PyroGine you have?

19-10-2010, 11:07 AM
Yes, I have made the change to the new HGE. However since my last post not much has been done. I've been doing a lot of 3d modeling lately. Nothing related to this project though. See for example my latest subject, a gunship from the Avatar movie, which I recently started.


21-10-2010, 12:38 AM
great modeling ! :)

24-10-2010, 10:02 PM
I'm sort of hijacking my own thread now, but I put a lot of work into this model last couple of days and I wanted to show it ;)


Modeling is now nearly done. Still a couple things left to do before the texturing starts. I've never textured a model this big (45k polygons) before, so thats going to be interesting for sure.

If you want to see more in between steps let me know and I'll start a separate thread.


25-10-2010, 04:39 AM
You should modify this to use in your own game. :P Seriously nice job.

25-10-2010, 09:59 PM
Very nice gunship...I gotta get me one! LOL ;)


25-10-2010, 10:09 PM
Love it. Great work.

26-10-2010, 06:47 AM
Ah... looks like a banshee (vehicle from SC2). Veeery nice job! :)

26-10-2010, 09:04 AM
Thanks guys :)

I actually wanted to try a banshee first but then I found some good references from the Avatar gunships I decided to do that instead.