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View Full Version : Dachinko - Trailer

02-07-2010, 10:38 AM
I made a trailer for the next game, which will be released soon. Dachinko is a casual game inspired by the culture of ancient Asia and Pachinko machines.


If you have any ideas or comments, do not hesitate to write.

02-07-2010, 11:34 AM
nice trailer, but whats point of game?

02-07-2010, 01:18 PM
Interesting. This looks like a puzzle game with extremely high production values. Was the lady dancing on the fence one of the puzzles?

02-07-2010, 02:34 PM
The game is inspired by the culture of ancient Asia and Pachinko machines from 70s and earlier.
For example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cMmm61D3P00

Dachinko has 3 game modes. Classic mode has 55 unique machines (55 levels).
To complete a level you need to get the maximum number of balls (100 balls) by accurate hit in a green pot - simple rule, but not easy to do.
Mechanisms that will appear are: carts, tunnels, "swings", balloons, magnetons, flying dragons, power-ups, jackpots, multi-balls and more.

The lady dance as a reward for completed one of the six modes of the classic mode.

02-07-2010, 03:52 PM
Hey this looks really neat!

I thought your first release, Knight of Dulcinea, was kinda cool with what you did, but it looks like you guys have really buckled down on this one and tried to do something different. Very nice to see that kind of effort taken. How long do you expect the development to take you this time around? Or should I even ask? lol

I look forward to seeing this come out, and as usual you folks know where else to look to see how it turned out in 'the charts.' ;)

02-07-2010, 06:18 PM
Thanks for your questions and good words ;)

I was thinking about Dachinko before I started work on Knight of Dulcinea.
Knight of Dulcinea was a game with which I wanted to acquire experience in business (commercial activity, web page, forum, e-commerce platform, learn Cubase Studio and more) and make a good tools (2.5D editor, smooth camera, nice GUI, particle effects etc.) for Dachinko.

I started working on Dachinko about 10 months ago and I think that will be released in a month.

I hope this game will succeed, and I could go to the next level in the Pascal Game Development ;)

02-07-2010, 10:29 PM

Impressive Visual!!!!

I would love to have some info of how you made the lightning and weather effects!! Some more info on the 2.5D editor and smooth camera would also be nice! If possible! =)

I loved the music! You have made it by yourself?

Are you using your own game engine?

Will you try to get some Publisher for it?

Sorry for the bunch of questions! : P

Good luck with your game! I'm sure he will make a great success!

03-07-2010, 02:15 AM
Hi Cezar,

You're holding a sword, so I will answer you immediately :scared:

I would love to have some info of how you made the lightning and weather effects!! Some more info on the 2.5D editor and smooth camera would also be nice! If possible! =)

Weather effects, like rain, are made using a simple particle system - nothing special.
In order to implement the camera and light, I used a global classes:

TLight = class(TObject)
FRed, FGreen, FBlue: Byte;
procedure Render(); // you must placed this to RenderEvent(Sender: TObject); if you using asphyre framework
property Red: Byte read FRed write FRed;
property Green: Byte read FGreen write FGreen;
property Blue: Byte read FBlue write FBlue;

procedure TLight.Render();
FRed:= 255; // or, for example: FRed:= FRed - 1; if you want to changing light
FGreen:= 255;
FBlue:= 255;

Now you can add a pointer to your sprite:

TMySprite = class(TSprite)
FLight: TLight;
procedure DoMove(const MoveCount: Single); override;
property Light: TLight read FLight write FLight;
constructor Create(const AParent: TSprite); override;

procedure TMySprite.DoMove(const MoveCount: Single);
If Assigned(FLight) then
Red:= FLight.Red;
Green:= FLight.Green;
Blue:= FLight.Blue;

GlobalLight:= TLight.Create();
SomeSprite:= TMySprite.Create();
SomeSprite.Light:= GlobalLight; // now, if you change global light (red,green,blue) your sprite (or all of your sprites) will change color and you will get the lightning effect

I used the same method for the camera:

Camera.X:= Camera.X + S;
// where S is the value of speed;
// you can use the trigonometric function to smooth your speed
// this is some idea for this
// D - the distance between the current camera position and the target position
// (1) D:= 3.14
// S:= 1-sin(D) = 0.998..
// (2) D:= 3
// S:= 1-sin(D) = 0.859..
// (3) D:= 2.5
// S:= 1-sin(D) = 0.402.. // as you can see, the speed decreases non-linearly

My editor is still under construction. It's been two years since I started to write this editor and that's too much to have to write.
One word I can say: - "Is very useful!"

I loved the music! You have made it by yourself?

Yes. I am glad that you like, because I always had concerns about that. However, I love to compose music.

Are you using your own game engine?

I using Asphyre Sphinx Framework without any changes (this is excelent framework) and the aforementioned editor.

Will you try to get some Publisher for it?

I'm the Publisher, but I will try to talk with some Big portals of course.

Sorry for the bunch of questions! : P

No problem :)

Good luck with your game! I'm sure he will make a great success!

I write it myself one more time: "I'm sure he will make a great success!" :)
Thank you for your questions and good words.

03-07-2010, 03:14 AM
A month is a good time-frame. Would you like to advertise in my magazine? :)

03-07-2010, 11:08 AM
If it's for free, then Yes! ::)
Sorry for that, but I just starting
and I don't have funds for advertising campaigns. :(

10-07-2010, 06:39 AM
A new video of gameplay is available at: