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View Full Version : Minecraft anyone?

07-09-2010, 07:02 PM
Hey guys,

I couple of days ago, my bro's discovered a new game called "minecraft". And I was wondering if you guys have heard from it before. :)


It's not a "real" game yet, because you cannot win, but i found it very inspiring. You walk arround in a 3d world that is made of cubes. There are all kinds of cubes, with simple low-res, but good looking textures. You can do a lot of cool stuff and be creative with the enviroment. For example, you can dig out an entire mineshaft of build a castle. :o

I think the concept is brilliant. I love the simplistic style and the endless possibilities. You could make all kinds of different games with it, like: Castle-defense, FPS, (MMO)RPG, Puzzle and maybe strategy too.
Given that you don't need to spend alot of time on the artwork, you can have alot of fun with "level generation" and introducing new kinds of blocks that have cool functions.

I can recall that there was a thread showing off a similar "game" written in pascal. I'll have a look. :)

Edit: it's here: http://www.pascalgamedevelopment.com/forum/index.php?topic=6378.0

If I have more time, I'll certainly play arround with this. Would love to walk around in my own generated levels. 8)

07-09-2010, 10:19 PM
It's also possible to write your own minecraft server, where you can play god. ;D
Can be done with pascal too. You just have to implement the protocol.


07-09-2010, 10:43 PM
Interesting. Sort of redefines the 'open world' concept to gaming.