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View Full Version : Need your own music for your game?

04-08-2003, 10:16 PM
If anyone's looking for someone to write some music for their games, I could be your man!

A bit about me:
I have small studio (a stack of hardware and my computer running Cubase SL). I used to play keyboards in bands, and I haven't lost my creative improvisational skills.
My personal taste in music is in the realm of the Psychedelic (Psychedelic Trance to be more exact). And for those of you who don't know the difference between Psychedelic Trance and plain 'Trance', PsyTrance (for short) is strictly non-commercial, artistic/creative, inspirational, intelligently sophisticated music which has the complexity of a full classically composed symphony - if not more. Hence I also appreciate classical music, ambient, trip-hop, jazz and any other style or artist/composer who really put their heart into their works. Basically anything that isn't too 'cheesy'.

I have clips of my latest music:
http://homepage.ntlworld.com/k_u_d_o_s/psy6.mp3 (an almost complete track)
http://homepage.ntlworld.com/k_u_d_o_s/psyclips1.mp3 (clips of some of my other recent musical scribblings).

My main ambition is to write music - computing comes second. I love writing music for other people - where a theme is set and I write the music accordingly. Getting inspiration out of thin-air for my own music is a lot harder! When I was 14 I wrote a small intro piece which was used for a kids tv show on a Butlins holiday campus. Other projects include writing backing music for a 'rap' song for a kids christmas panto in my local community.

I would like to write music for games, and I think this might a good place to start out - amongst other budding game-writers! It'll be great if I can go pro and get my music on a big title...one day though!

I prefer to work with audio rather than midi, although I could supply midi files too. I can do whole tracks, or seperate sections which you can program to play incidentally with the game.

Price-wise....I'd like to do it for free, but a reasonable donation would be prefered if you can afford it. Times are hard for me - I've been unemployed since Nov 2002 and it looks like my career in I.T has been terminated abruptly thanks to stress and depression when I moved home. So, if you've got a game that's near completion and you think you might be able to release it, and you need music for it - I'd love to write some for it!

04-08-2003, 10:54 PM
I've never heard of Psychedelic Trance before, but it sure sounds pretty cool :)

I can't really say I have a nearly finished game, but who knows what happens in the (near) future. You'll be the first one I'll ask if it ever comes to that, that's for sure :)

Btw, do you also do sound effects?

05-08-2003, 12:31 AM
Wow... you'r pretty good. I really like 'psy6.mp3'. I'm not anywhere near completion in my game, but I'm looking for this kind of music for it. It's a 2D(but 3D pre-rendered sprites) 360<sup>o</sup> Space Shooter... I can give you details and a story synopsis if you wish.

How are you with modules? Specifically IT modules?

05-08-2003, 10:54 AM
Okay, my answer to Traveler's question - do I do sound effects?

Well, probably not in terms of making sounds for power-ups, firing weapons or punching enemies - I just haven't done that kind of thing before. Certainly I've created some weird sounds for my own music though. It's easy to record you own sound effects for that purpose - just by recording something 'real' with a mic plugged into your soundcard. You'll get a more 'cartoon' style collection of soundeffects that way.
For more synthesised sound effects like zooms and whooshes, I reckon I could create some. Here's a collection of strange samples I came up with once when playing around with a hardware sampler and an outboard effects unit... http://homepage.ntlworld.com/k_u_d_o_s/Kudos_Homemade_Collection1.mp3.

Sound effects can be grouped into ambience and action:
Ambience usually being a recording (or a mix of recordings) of real-life sounds which loop seemlessly. For a street scene - perhaps traffic noise.
Action sounds are short clips, to be triggered on the event of hitting an enemy, firing a weapon, changing a weapon, getting hit, jumping, lauching, bouncing, picking up objects etc. These can be taken from plain un-altered audio recordings of everyday sounds, or even from mangled up sounds that I can produce. Did you know that the sound effect for Doctor Who's Tardis appearing/disappearing was made from sliding something up a piano string?!! :shock: Sound effects are easy to make if you have enough equipment. Give me a the purpose of a sound effect you might need and I can come up with several suitable sounds for you to choose from!

And finally WILL's question - Modules:
Do you mean MOD files/players? Please explain what you mean by IT modules! I have no experience in creating MOD files, although I know it's pretty straight forward - a collection of audio snippets which are sequenced like midi notes. I can easily create seamless loops from soft ambient/atmospheric effects to full on musical loops (like the ones that some people use on webpages :? ).

I must point out that I'm certainly not restricted to producing one style - I can easily create other sltyes, from classical, through jazz and rock to contemporary, pop dance and rave....! The only reason I haven't produced many other styles on my own is because PsyTrance is the style I personally concentrate on - if anyone gives me a goal to produce a different style for their purpose, I can do it.

14-05-2006, 07:47 AM
Kudos, what ever happened to you man? I checked your website and it seems that dispite your pages and images still being up, your music files are gone. :?

Did you at find any work since? I hope so... :)

15-05-2006, 11:00 PM
I completely forgot about this place!

I've just been living life, as you do, working, playing, resting, producing music. I could post some new stuff on my webspace (I don't bother maintaining it or making a fancy homepage, I just use the space to upload what I want certain people to download).

At the moment though, I'm really busy head buried in my psytrance, as I'm getting closer to an album's worth. I'm constantly re-visiting tracks to update them, improve them, so the style of all of them is gradually evolving and staying cutting edge.

25-09-2006, 09:15 PM
Hey why don't you upload some tracks and post about them here. Maybe someone will like your work and invite you into their game project?

We hold annual competitions here at PGD so maybe you can help them win the 'Best Music' award next year? ;)