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View Full Version : Private forum?

06-08-2003, 09:19 AM
I'd like to know who thinks a private forum would be worth having. This vote is open to anyone (not just those who have 'signed-up' in the staff thread (http://terraqueous.f2o.org/dgdev/viewtopic.php?t=747)).

Let me just make it clear what I'm talking about:

A forum for the new 'staff' to use - invisible to other members
We would use it only when we need to talk about topics that only affect the staff eg, meeting times, passwords, why a PHP script doesn't work, etc.
It would not be a place to make secret plans :twisted: to take over the world
We would never use it to make any important decisions that could affect the wider community - this would be done in the public forums.

The point of the private forum would be to keep stuff out of the way that really doesn't concern anyone except the staff. We could do this with email but without the obvious benefits that a forum provides.

06-08-2003, 01:19 PM
As I said on another thread(I think it's the main one :)). A semi-private forum would not be bad.

Everybody could read what is written but only the staff could write.

It would not be a place to make secret plans to take over the world

But ... But ! Aren't we going to take the world with our great Delphi knowledge ? :scratch: :wink:

[Edit : huho ... think I didn't read well ^^ oops ... So don't count my vote for no lol ^^. Yes it should be private]

06-08-2003, 11:08 PM
[Edit : huho ... think I didn't read well ^^ oops ... So don't count my vote for no lol ^^. Yes it should be private]

So that's 9 yes votes and 0 no votes. :mrgreen:

I've made a staff forum, you'll only see it if you're a member of the DGDev Staff usergroup. If you want to join, go here (http://terraqueous.f2o.org/dgdev/viewtopic.php?t=747).


Useless Hacker
07-08-2003, 08:38 PM
Yes, so long as I am allowed in :twisted: