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22-09-2010, 04:20 PM
Hi guys, I've been otherwise engaged for the past few months in my new Job, but I'm on top of things so it's time to fire up the ole compiler.

A few months ago I posted about the Window Manager (VFA) that I coded.

Well, I wasn't happy with the single threaded design, so I've re-written the core and now it sports a fully multi-threaded design capable of running not only each window but every single widget in it's own thread (you don't have to, you can just pump the messages from the window thread)

The new system is called JUI

it allows for true Window Manager style coding such as dialogs that remain active but stall user code for output etc

I won't bother with screenshots because it looks exactly the same as the old VFA window manager.


I've also been working on network code. I've re-written my network library to act as a seemless link for a messaging subsystem I call PIN. It correctly handle endiness on different processor platforms, is non blocking and uses TCP with no_delay enabled. (I've borrowed a little bit of lnet code here and there)

It allows for a message object to be created of any type, for properties to be set and for that to be sent to any other messenger within the network.

Each messenger runs in it's own thread and keeps a message queue that can be pushed/popped without locking the execution of that thread meaning each messenger object (either your own derived class or the PIN_TCP class) is free to process a message without other threads having to wait to post messages.

I've designed it with game programming in mind, if anyone is interested please let me know and maybe I'll have the confidence to share my code :)