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View Full Version : DCal3d

29-09-2010, 03:40 AM
Hi all,
I was wondering if anyone has any current information on DCal3D. I'm talking about the one included in the one included in the JEDI-SDLv1.0 release. I have googled around but haven't found much on it that is current. I have managed to get it runing on Lazarus but that's about it. any updates ? the current version is 0.06 where the current c++ version is 0.11. and what of the xml is there a blender exporter that works with DCal3D. is there something else out there written in pascal that works better? I have tried restless but have had a little trouble with the way things have to get exported so I'm looking for other options. I'm tring to build a rpg engine for the free pascal so any help would be appreciated

since no one was able or willing to help me I am trying to take matters into my own hands. I found some useful information from the cal3d site the blender export script is outdated and doesn't work. so I'm taking a crash course in blender/python programing to try to get it working again. I would like to work dcal3d into my engine but first I need to figure this whole export thing out.