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View Full Version : FontStudio exporter TCharacterData question

10-10-2010, 06:53 PM
Hi All,

I was building a plugin for font studio to export the data to my engine-readable-format when I bumped upon the TCharacterData struct:

TCharacterData = packed record //This is how plugins version 3 and above will recieve FontData - an array of TCharacterData
Wid,Hgt, X,Y: cardinal; //Unsigned 32bit
Ox, Oy, A, B, C: integer; //Signed 32bit
char: cardinal; //The actual unicode character number

And a question arises: what does the A, B and C mean?

10-10-2010, 08:48 PM
Sorry, guess I should have documented it a bit better (I thought I did explain it somewhere in that file :P)

From this page: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd162454%28v=VS.85%29.aspx

The A spacing is the distance to add to the current position before drawing the character glyph.
The B spacing is the width of the drawn portion of the character glyph.
The C spacing is the distance to add to the current position to provide white space to the right of the character glyph.

11-10-2010, 06:59 PM

Your download link to Font Studio really don't works here to me! I don't know what happens, but your domain http://labs.delphituts.com/ is not acessible here, I'm trying for months already. Is there some alternative download link?


12-10-2010, 06:59 AM
Hmm.. I just found this record definition in Font4.pas:

FontInfo = record
A, C: integer;
Wid, Hgt: cardinal;
char: WideChar;
x1,y1,x2,y2: double;

Why is B missing? By looking at your source, my guess is that it's added to C.

procedure TFontObj.Draw(const X, Y: single; const Txt: widestring; Lev: single);
var CurX: single;
Ch: Widechar;
Chaar, I, Ind: integer;
CurX := X;

for I := 1 to length(Txt) do
Ch := Txt[I];
Chaar := integer(ch);

if Chaar = 32 then
Ind := -1;
CurX := CurX + SpaceWidth;
Ind := CharLookup[Chaar];

if ind > -1 then
CurX := CurX + F[Ind].A;

DrawQuadRT(CurX, Y, F[ind].Wid, F[ind].Hgt, lev, F[ind].x1,F[ind].x2,F[ind].y1,F[ind].y2);

CurX := CurX + F[Ind].C;


Would be nice if you added some comments to make these things clear. ;)

12-10-2010, 10:01 AM
Thnx, that realy helps a lot :)

12-10-2010, 10:19 PM

Your download link to Font Studio really don't works here to me! I don't know what happens, but your domain http://labs.delphituts.com/ is not acessible here, I'm trying for months already. Is there some alternative download link?


Strange... How about http://www.delphituts.com/labs/FontStudio421.zip

12-10-2010, 10:22 PM
Would be nice if you added some comments to make these things clear. ;)

Oops! :) The separate B and C values are actually something I did recently and I dont think I updated any of the .fnt file reading sources so they still have only A and C... The old .fnt file exporter plugin still uses the old method (Font Studio 4.21 is backward compatible with the old plugins) so if you want *all* the A,B and C values, I'll have to update the .fnt exporter and corresponding Font4.pas file (with comments of course ;))

20-10-2010, 01:10 AM
Hi Again Nitron!

The download link really don't works here! http://www.delphituts.com/labs/FontStudio421.zip

I can not even ping delphituts.com here, I tryed it for days long and I think it does not works here in Brazil, it is blocked someway.

Is there no altenative download links? Please upload it to 4shared or any other free hosting service!


20-10-2010, 07:22 AM
The link does work here. Perhaps someone should make a mirror download?

08-12-2010, 01:28 AM
Just one more question about TCharacterData ... what are Ox and Oy values?

Edit: ahhh... it's all in the readme.txt :)