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View Full Version : Class desing..

15-08-2003, 12:06 PM
I'm really new to this game programming but I've other programming skills and I simply want to becoma a game developer..

this is just a sketch but what do you think about it?

15-08-2003, 04:14 PM
I modified my sketch a little.. just hit refresh if it hasn't changed.

15-08-2003, 04:57 PM
no physics? :shock:

or is that part of the level/charactor world space?

15-08-2003, 07:55 PM
yep. that's the main sketch for my first engine in dx.. I used to code demos back in 80's/early 90's. :lol:
I usually split that kind of sketch into smaller ones and desing them apart..
that way I can handle the BIG THING. and when I write actual classes/functions etc. I keep a sort of diary/sketch where I'm going..
it helps.
so if nobody said anything bad I'll split it into smaller ones and continue..