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View Full Version : Any basic OpenGL engine source?

22-11-2010, 12:41 PM
wondering if anyone has a basic bare bone 3d OpenGL game engine written for FreePascal that i could take a look at? Im just a noob hoping if anyone wrote or knows of a simple engine that i can use as reference, to help a noob out. I know there are many open source projects out there, im just hesitant that they will probably be out of my league


22-11-2010, 05:42 PM
Hmm, I would be wary of 3d opengl engines; especially when you are starting out. Opengl can get quite complex in 2d for beginners nevermind 3d engines... How many months/years experience have you got and what are you using for the compiler? 2.4.x I presume. Oh, and what OS are you targeting? There's a variety of offerings but not all of them may be for your OS. Eg. I've seen quite a few only work properly on Windows and wine isnt always foolproof. =p

Anyway, perhaps take a quick look at the news page: When I last checked there were quite a few good options there. :)

22-11-2010, 11:53 PM
I'm with code_glitch on that. If you are new to programming, stick with 2D. However if you are new to game programming, but know a good amount of programming then you can get into 3D, but don't jump into an engine. You'll just lose yourself if you don't learn things in the proper order.

New to graphics and programming in general, you can check out the JEDI-SDL library. It's easy to use and has lots of examples and demos to play with. I have started a series of tutorials that you can read from PGD's Home section under Articles. It teaches you how to create an artillery game using SDL and Lazarus.

23-11-2010, 07:46 AM
Now i can throw link to my little OpenGL engine :)

23-11-2010, 07:55 AM
Is that really your engine? I never noticed... Impressive work though :)