View Full Version : gDEBugger now availeable for free?

08-12-2010, 06:32 PM
Graphic Remedy decided for whatever reason to make their next release of gDEBugger to be FREE.
That means their application is not availeable for purchase on their site.
Instead they offer a free downloadeable license that will stay valid until their next FREE version is released.

More info is availeable on: http://www.gremedy.com/purchase.php

with gDEBugger you can debug opengl opengles and opencl applications.

To get an impression of what can be done with the application have a look at the following page: http://www.gremedy.com/screenshots.php

08-12-2010, 08:27 PM
This is a great tool. I downloaded it and immediately found a couple of bugs in my OpenGL-application that I had been chasing for quite some time. Highly recommended!

08-12-2010, 10:15 PM
This is quite cool. I've downloaded this program using torrents, but I havent used it yet. Seems like I can now use a legal and up-to-date version for free. :D :o

So, thanks for the heads up!