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View Full Version : Twilight Garden

25-01-2011, 01:37 PM
Hello everyone,

We are a group of people that are inspired by games and want to take them to the highest level of art. We have been working in the game development industry for a long time and now we are creating our own company to bring the most sophisticated ideas into life and we invite you all to visit our site at http://luminifern.com/project.php Hope you like it and all of us would be very grateful if you could recommend it to your friends. We need your support guys.

Luminifern software team :)

25-01-2011, 04:56 PM
Hi and welcome to PGD. Your game project looks interesting, however since you didn't mention it is it made using Pascal?

Also besides the art showing only the theme, from what I can tell it's going to be vamps and werewolves, there isn't a lot of information about your game. Perhaps you can tell us more about what your plans with it are?

Anyhow good luck with your game, I hope you get the funding that will help with it.

25-01-2011, 09:44 PM
Welcome to PGD Truffle

Your game on the website to gather cash support is a cool idea, but using the phone number !?!! It seems to be a strange practice :O

The artwork is indeed good, but as said WILL, more information about the game you want to dev and the business plan will be appreciated.

Good luck in your project too !