View Full Version : UnDelphiX Questions...
23-10-2003, 12:38 PM
Hello people!
Two questions:
Does anybody know when there will be released a new UnDelphiX for DirectX 9?
Does anybody know a page with some tutorials for UnDelphiX?
I don't understand the code in the "rotate a cube" example...
04-11-2003, 09:42 AM
I don't understand the code in the "rotate a cube" example...
is easy.first the setOrientation(refFrame,,
this is how to orientate the frame with related to the refFrame(, nil is most used)
set the to point the front of the object, is the top of the object.
the dir and up coordinates is ALWAYS 1/2pi rad rotated. (when you insert wrong coordinates the are changed)
OK the SetOrientation is Clear now?
now the SetRotation..
x,y,z are the axes where the Frame is rotated on.
the refFrame is the same story as the SetOrientation.
is there more you want to know.?
ps. sorry for my bad englisch.
gr. jeroen de jong.
04-11-2003, 12:38 PM
There would be no point in upgrading DelphiX or UnDelphiX to DirectX 9 as it would still be using the 2D based DirectDraw that has not changed since DirectX 7.
If you want to make use of the performance enhancements of DirectX 9 switch to one of the other component libraries that does 2D support using the 3D functionality of DirectX.
04-11-2003, 06:41 PM
ok thanks I do not understand that. Here is another problem in the
'SelectDriver' Example:
This Example seems to be able to load X-Files.
Well I can load untextured X-Files with that, but how
can I load textured ones? I have one and when I try to load
this theres only blackscreen so could someone please
help me with this code? What do I have to add?
Thank you!
P.S. My English isn't so good as well as I am from Germany...
Harry Hunt
04-11-2003, 10:09 PM
Here's an explanation in German:
DelphiX ist eine veraltete Komponentensammlung die fA¼r DirectX 5.0 entwickelt und seither nicht mehr aktualisiert wurde. UnDelphiX ist eine verA¤nderte Version von DelphiX die auf die standard JEDI Header aufbaut. Obwohl die JEDI Header inzwischen DirectX 9.0 unterstA¼tzen heiAYt das noch lange nicht, dass wenn UnDelphiX nun die DirectX 9.0 Header verwenden wA¼rde, es auch automatisch von den Funktionen von DirectX 9.0 profitieren wA¼rde. Dazu mA¼sste man es von Grundauf neu aufbauen und das ist wohl etwas zu viel Arbeit, insbesondere weil es inzwischen neue Komponentensammlungen gibt, die auf dem Stand der Zeit sind...
05-11-2003, 04:57 PM
can I load textured ones?
the example has to work also with textues, try to turn on the z-buffer, in DXDraw component.
05-11-2003, 05:49 PM
Hmm thats strange.
If I want to open one file with a texture, there is nothing to see on the screen (also not if I turn on zbuffer).
There also seems to be a different in the x-file (version)s. Some an clearly in text others seem to be binary coded!?
I use milkshape 3d to export the x-files, anybody knows another prog?
05-11-2003, 06:49 PM
the file doesn't save the texture bmp. for showing the texture, place the bmp in the correct map.
binairy files -vs- text files. doesn't matter.
have you checked the position of the object, and position/orientation of the camera.
10-11-2003, 03:34 PM
Heres something interesting:
Some objects I exprot to the x-format are transparent, some not. I turned on z-buffer... Whats happening?
12-11-2003, 09:55 AM
what do you want? transparent on not?.
you use milkshape? well, turn the Transparency Slider under the emissive(materials) left for more Transparency, right for less.
for self constructing in delphiX use for
no Transparency
.SetColor(D3DRGB( R,G, B));
.SetColor(D3DRGBA( R,G, B,TransperenceIndex));
TransperenceIndex=0 ; //no Transparency,
TransperenceIndex=1 ; // full Transparency, can't see it.
12-11-2003, 08:54 PM
I export the x-file by C4D it is NOT transparent when I create it. But when it is loaded you see it transparent; the side you look at is transparent, the side behind is not it looks very strange I will post a picture...
First of all, I want to clear up that cinema4d objects are very large in size.
and the object you imported to the game is not transparent.
The reason why it looks transparent is because of the size.. its so big, that the camera goes inside the object, therefor it looks transparent.
Try to scale the object in C4D before exporting. :)
If this doesn't work, then the problem is not the scale, but the cull mode.
Here are the different cull modes:
The none means there are no cull mode (trans.).
CW means the side that you see is trans., that way you will see inside the object instead of outside.
CCW means the side you don't see is trans.
If the first solution didn't work then you'd need to change the cull mode. from CW to NONE. :D
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