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23-10-2003, 04:37 PM

First, sorry for my bad english.

Mi question is: I want to develop games, but i dont know if use Delphi or C. I would like develop profesional games, but i dont know if delphi can do this.

Delphi is faster than C?? The diference is not "visible"?

With delphi i can develop profesional games that are competitive with games make with C?

Im from spain. Repeat, sorry for my bad english and thank you for your answers.

23-10-2003, 05:23 PM
Delphi is usually a bit slower than C, but if you?¢_~re not planning to make something like Doom3 then it won?¢_Tt make much of a difference. Delphi is quite capable of doing anything C can and is easier to read and faster compiling, while most programming tutorials are written for C so you?¢_~ll find much more examples for it. Use whatever you find more comfortable.

23-10-2003, 05:34 PM
Then, i don't make a doom3 that run fast?

I see Age of wonders 2 (professional game) and work very very nice. Otherwise in Delphi i can implement C and asm code.

Merge this lenguages the game run perfectly.

I think that Dephi is a good Game Develop Plataform.

o no?

Harry Hunt
23-10-2003, 08:22 PM
The execution speed of a C++ executable is only insignificantly faster than that of a Delphi executable. But think of all the design-time advantages you have if you choose Delphi. Delphi has the fastest compiler on the planet, it has full DirectX and OpenGL support through the JEDI headers, it supports assembler...

There's really no reason why you shouldn't be able to write a commercial quality game in Delphi. The only downside is portability. Delphi apps can easily be ported to Linux (through Kylix) but porting a Delphi game to consoles is a little tricky. Other than that, go for it! There are tons of examples of great 3D games written in Delphi (Fist of Benztown, Pythian Project, etc.).

23-10-2003, 10:28 PM
imho, delphi is better then c/c++ the reason being. its easier! its as powerfull and as fast. what you can do in c/c++ you can (somehow :P) do in delphi.

hey, im even writing a lemans racing sim in it :) so it cant be half bad ;)

23-10-2003, 10:50 PM
Thank you very much for give me courage. I will use Delphi. The problem is that you se me asking very much . :D


My english will better with time.


One question. What "engine" i may use? GlScene? JEDI? DelphiX? PowerDrae?? i prefer opengl but now this is not important.

24-10-2003, 11:01 AM
what engine to use depends on what type of game really.

if u want say.... a 3d racer, then use d3d or opengl

but 2d games normally go for delphix

24-10-2003, 11:22 AM
I want to make a "Monkey Island" type in 3D.

then i may use glscene for example or you recomended me other???

Glscene is good?

24-10-2003, 05:20 PM
mabey opengl or d3d?

personaly i would use d3d for this job

24-10-2003, 06:13 PM
but a game make with d3d not run in linux

24-10-2003, 06:22 PM
Im not sure, but i think DX works in Wine?!? im sure i saw it some where on their forums!

But of course users must have wine installed.. see http://www.winehq.org.

24-10-2003, 06:24 PM
then, glscene or other is not good???

24-10-2003, 06:39 PM
I dont really know, You could probably do it with GLScene

24-10-2003, 10:21 PM
well u never said anything about linux :P use opengl then :)

24-10-2003, 11:04 PM
well, opengl o sdl no?


Opengl Glscene and other
Sdl Jedi-SDL and others.

What may be use?

Im new in this world of game progamming, but im software developer. Im not afraid to a "engine" dificult.

Mi english is dangerus :D

25-10-2003, 03:57 AM
If i remember GLScene uses SDL anyway, so GLScene would be the better choice to start with, and it has a lot of great features to play with.

26-10-2003, 12:47 PM
finally i wil use Free Pascal.

Then, glscene is compatyble with free pascal?

Jedi-SDL is compatyble. but, Jedi-SDL is a good idea?

28-10-2003, 09:21 AM
You'll use FP ???

But ... I don't really understand ... lol

Delphi can be compared to C++ because they're on a nearly equal footing ... But FP and C ! Lol ... Forget about it !

And, don't forget that neither D3D nor OpenGL will run on FP because the headers(Jedi) and GLScene were designed for Delphi, weren't they ?

Now for the comparison between C++ and delphi here is my opinion :

If you want to make games with delphi, the code will be very clean, lots of people will be able to read it, a code that compiles really fast and runs fast(if you compare to java or VB :)).You will be able to port it to linux(via Kylix).

Now if you make your games with C++ : You'll have a lot more ressources than with Delphi(we are actually trying to build a "ressource centre"), you'll have a program that runs fasts. And the point really important if you want to work as a pro, is that with C++ you'll find coders to help you ... Because there's no many Delphi programmers which can code a D3D app :)

Now for D3D vs OpenGL :

Direct3D is a lot more complicated than OpenGL but, is still reachable for anybody. OpenGL was advised for newbies because the code was working more often. Now whatever could say people, they are very similar ... It's really simple to transform OGL code in D3D code (and vice versa)

But OpenGL can be used for Linux :) Not D3D . But ... If you're a beginner, I guess you shouldn't ask yourself too many things about portability of your application ! Try to make your game first :) Think after ^^

One last thing ! Because I see you're a beginner(no bad in it ^^), there is the most important advice ... The advice you should ALWAYS respect if you want to have a game finished : don't go too fast, before trying to make the new Half-Life, don't forget the good old "Hello World", Pong and Tetris ... If you cant make a tetris game then you'll never be able to finish a bigger project :)

good luck ^^

ps : Excuse me for my mistakes ^^ Cause this is a long message so ... the function indicating the mistake is : f(x) = e^x where x is the length of the message :P :P :P :P

28-10-2003, 09:56 AM
I think that this discussion is stupid :)

C++ is not faster than Delphi



Because this is only language, english is faster than polish? :)) Think about it!

It's better to compare compilators! For Delphi there's only one, for C++ millions. I've tested Delphi and MSVC6 in matrix calculation test(good for 3d games, where is a lot of this kind of math). Delphi was faster. But on integer values C++ was a bit(few ms on big test) faster.

Don't know why You say that Doom3 shouldn't be coded in Delphi. Have you ever tried to write Doom3 in Delphi? lol

28-10-2003, 10:13 AM
Post Glscene is great.


I decided program in C.

28-10-2003, 03:57 PM
I think that this discussion is stupid

C++ is not faster than Delphi



Because this is only language, english is faster than polish? ) Think about it!

?¢_~Faster?¢_T meant generating faster code.

It's better to compare compilators! For Delphi there's only one, for C++ millions.

Yes, but most C compilers produce code of similar speed.

Don't know why You say that Doom3 shouldn't be coded in Delphi. Have you ever tried to write Doom3 in Delphi? lol
I didn?¢_~t say shouldn?¢_~t, I meant that the difference in speed was insignificant unless coding something very complicated and wanting to squeeze a couple extra FPS.

28-10-2003, 06:00 PM
Don't know why You say that Doom3 shouldn't be coded in Delphi. Have you ever tried to write Doom3 in Delphi? lol
I didn?¢_~t say shouldn?¢_~t, I meant that the difference in speed was insignificant unless coding something very complicated and wanting to squeeze a couple extra FPS.
I think that it was coder fault. When code is compiler-friendly it can be much more faster than when it is c-style hardcore mess. C-style thinking about programming in Delphi is not the best way! :shock:

But I think that there's no way in this discussion! There are few stereotypes(humble delphi programmers and self-important cpp codeurs!) that can be hard to overcome! :)

Peace :D

28-10-2003, 10:32 PM
My dear friends. I have but one things to say.

:twisted: Inline ASM will kick all your asses! :twisted:


29-10-2003, 02:31 PM
Well.... i have a notice.

finally i decided use Delphi. No more changes.

then, i repeat the question. The best engine3D free for Delphi that i can use for commercial games?????

29-10-2003, 06:04 PM
I would recommend GLScene, mostly because you wont have to do much if any of the hard work! And has pleanty demo programs to get you started.

29-10-2003, 11:44 PM
imho, i would biuld a opengl engine from scratch. more powerfull and more flexible / customizable then glscene :)

30-10-2003, 11:30 AM
I agree, theres many benefits to writing your own engine, i also would prefer to write my own engine, but in some conditions its not always the best way, specialy if your a beginner or have no patience :roll:

30-10-2003, 11:59 AM
And, dot (Delphi Opengl Toolkit) is good?

or program Directly in opengl??? (is a crazy idea?)

11-05-2004, 12:33 PM
as i know age of wonder was written in delphi....

Harry Hunt
04-06-2004, 09:03 AM
The main advantage of Delphi is that programming with it is much more effective than programming with a C/C++ environment because Delphi has the fastest compiler on the planet (and therefore the shortest build-times) and the code is so nice and clean, it will help you avoid many potential bugs. (Therefore Delphi is really great for game development).

As for the graphics engine: I've played Monkey Island 4 and I don't think you will need much of an engine at all so you might as well write it yourself. All you need is to be able to import and animate 3d models of some sort. Write an MD2/MD3 loader (there are plenty of examples on the web) and you basically have your engine :p.