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View Full Version : Selling my GP2X MkII F-100

24-04-2011, 01:17 PM
Hey all,
I need to sell my GP2X MkII F-100 - I want to upgrade to a newer model, and my wife said I needed to get rid of this one first (no more junk in the house) ;)

So I thought I'd mention it here just in-case someone here wants to purchase one.

I was thinking of $50AUD (a pretty good deal IMO).

This is what the buyer would get:

GP2X MkII F-100 (black)
USB Cable.
CDs that came with the GP2X.
2GB SD Card, includes:

gpsp Gameboy Advance Emulator + 9 games.
C64 Emulator + 58 games (assorted Disk, tape, and cartridge).
GMenu2X frontend interface.
Cradle to plug in keyboards, joysticks, etc.
Hard carry case.
AC power adapter.


25-04-2011, 10:11 PM
I guess no one is interested in this then?


26-04-2011, 07:17 AM
I guess not. You should try ebay or some other online marketplace for your country. Also keep in mind that electronic devices decrease in value very quickly so I'm afraid you won't get alot of cash for it. :(\

edit: Your price might not be that bad. Noticed someone who was trying to sell it for 50 pounds, which is probably more.

27-04-2011, 12:19 AM
Just so you know, I have now put it online here (a good starting point, and is free):


You might not be able to see it yet though...can take up to 24 hours to show up ;)


27-04-2011, 03:47 PM
Although I can't say I am overly-interested (no offence) I can't say I'm not interested... Its interesting. Increasingly interesting and rather tempting too at that price. What would shipping to the UK be?

27-04-2011, 08:35 PM
Although I can't say I am overly-interested (no offence) I can't say I'm not interested... Its interesting. Increasingly interesting and rather tempting too at that price. What would shipping to the UK be?

I'm so sorry code_glitch, someone locally has already emailed me saying that they want to buy it :(

So it has now gone...


27-04-2011, 09:03 PM
No prob at all.. I was just thinking a bit linux magic on that ARM chip and etc with TV out would have been nice as a side project (as well as playing games of course :))

Or as a 'school flash drive' that also plays mp3s and videos etc... So many uses. Hey wait, didnt I have an old eee 701 lying around somewhere............