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View Full Version : What library/API will you use to make your PGD Challenge entry?

12-06-2011, 09:31 PM
These days there are so many options for game libraries and API headers you can use to make your games with in Object Pascal. I remember when all we had as one and others were just starting their own using inspiration from it.

What game library are you planning on using for your own entry into the 1st PGD Challenge Mini Competition?

12-06-2011, 09:36 PM
zengl most likely

12-06-2011, 09:39 PM
Replied before I got a chance to finish creating the poll. :)

12-06-2011, 11:29 PM
I'll probably roll my own depending on what the theme will be

13-06-2011, 03:17 AM
Gen2 (http://code.google.com/p/gen2gdk/)

13-06-2011, 07:41 AM
I might give Jarrod Davis' latest engine a go - SvEngine...(www.simvector.com) :D


Ñuño Martínez
13-06-2011, 08:02 PM
Allegro.pas (http://allegro-pas.sf.net/) of course. ;)

No matters rues or requisites. Even 3D. I worked so hard on it the last five (pant) years that I must use it in every project I do. And my entry will be one of the betterest this time, I promise!

13-06-2011, 08:24 PM
Every one of these compos is a great opportunity for real life field testing for Prometheus, so I'll take that bandwagon. Especially since I've finally got some experience from ludum 20 and its getting to a useable level. Oh and not to mention it gives ideas for new features ;) Looks like no true winner by majority - should be interesting to compare the end results. :)

PS. WILL, I love how Prometheus is in italics and all the others are not :D

The front page caught my eye: not familiar with a 'Asphyre Shpinx'... I believe its meant to be Sphinx right, a 'Shpinx' could be hard to find these days :D:D:D

13-06-2011, 09:16 PM
I'm going to be using my own game engine Elysion (https://github.com/freezedev/elysion) and maybe even Horde3D. Targeted platforms are going to be Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.

Because I'm providing the prizes and most likely going to be judge in this competition my entry is not going to be rated. I'm just going to make a game for the fun of it. I may work with WILL on an entry.

13-06-2011, 10:49 PM
Haha... Seems like most people have their own framework. :D

I still have some doubts. For this compo, I will aim for absolute straightforward simpleness, because of severe time constraints (studies *bablabla*). So I will go for 2D and pick an engine I feel is simplest and easy to use. It will probably be either ZenGL or Phoenix (or maybe JEDI-SDL, but then I have to write myself a Sprite-engine too). I haven't made up my mind yet.

14-06-2011, 12:41 AM
Hey Nathan :)

I have found using Jarrod's various libraries have been pretty easy and painless too :)

You can read textures, etc. from zip archives which is very nice, and it has sprite support + lots of other stuff...

You can find his latest offering (www.simvector.com) ;)


14-06-2011, 04:13 AM
PS. WILL, I love how Prometheus is in italics and all the others are not :D

That's just because it's the one you picked. ;)

14-06-2011, 02:08 PM
I'm probably gonna try out DGLE2 (http://dron.deeprosoft.com/dgle2_en) and see what it's like.
It adds to the challenge that the web site is only in Russian and must be translated through Google Translator. :D

14-06-2011, 08:44 PM
I'm probably gonna try out DGLE2 (http://dron.deeprosoft.com/dgle2_en) and see what it's like.
It adds to the challenge that the web site is only in Russian and must be translated through Google Translator. :D

hmm...that engine looks pretty damn good actually! :)


14-06-2011, 09:20 PM
Speking of google translate, I thought of a killer new idea: google translate for c/C++ into Pascal and other programming languages. Hmm...

Jimmy Valavanis
06-07-2011, 09:25 AM
My entry will use the DelphiDoom engine. Initially I though to make something from scratch but WILL gave me the idea. The reasons that I choose it (besides the obvious fact that as the developer of the engine I can work with it easily) is that it's an excellent opportunity to develop and expand the engine in new aspects and add new features without the limitations of the old games that was initially designed to work with.

07-07-2011, 07:03 AM
I don't think I voted but I do it with no external libraries. 100% my own code. That limits me quite a bit, I must cut some corners, but on the positive side I get some new features into my existing code base.

14-07-2011, 11:38 AM
i use asphyre sphinx, its very handy for 2d games in my opinion
yeah i know its nearly over but would let you know what i use x)