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24-06-2011, 05:16 AM
Hey all,
I have finally gotten off my butt and done some coding for my PGD mini Comp entry!!

It is called "Vectored!", and will have nothing but vector graphics & some particle effects (maybe)

I am still not sure what type of game it is going to be, but all I know it is a shoot-em-up :D

It might be a Gyruss-like game, but with some extra game-play...we will have to see...

Oh, I am using Lazarus 0.9.30, and Jarrod Davis' latest engine - SvEngine (http://simvector.com/) :)

PS. this is the second PGD mini Compo project thead..Woo Hoo!! haha


24-06-2011, 06:43 AM
Cool. We want to see screenshots ASAP, as you may allready have guessed. :D

I still need to perform that "kick in the butt" thing in order to get started. ;) Probably this weekend..

24-06-2011, 06:50 AM
Cool. We want to see screenshots ASAP, as you may allready have guessed. :D

I still need to perform that "kick in the butt" thing in order to get started. ;) Probably this weekend..

I still need to write some more code before ANY screenshots will be happening - I only started coding today :D

I have been porting over an oldish vector object unit to use with SvEngine so I can draw some graphics ;)


24-06-2011, 02:17 PM
Crap, I clicked the link expecting a download of your game. ??? I should've read more carefully.

I second chronozphere's notion. I have this weekend set for a game. Got a few ideas in mind that may or may not work out. If they do then I'll post. If not then you can find me sobbing in a corner somewhere.

24-06-2011, 04:27 PM
Well, if you don't get those screenies done, I'll post up my BSODs from over zealous multithreading. I have a few memory leaks in my code. Particularly the part that has an array of pointers to threads. So whenever I try to run the game, it makes its threads and loses them so keeps making more :D most annoying. Picture 2,500 threads trying to load the same resource files... That windows installation is NOT happy. In other news, my current version continues to spew runtime errors out of Win32 and Win64 whilst things are very nice indeed in the nixworld. Just synced up the home server to handle my project and exciting news:

Networking - you can network play my game YAA! or at least thats the plan :)

Paul: is there not a part of sdl that does threads?
Chronozphere: Good luck... I recon I'm about 600 lines ahead and roughly the same on win32/64 fnuctionality.

24-06-2011, 10:11 PM
Paul: is there not a part of sdl that does threads?

Yes, there is threading in SDL, but I don't think it is as easy to use as the Pascal version:


24-06-2011, 10:25 PM
Oh, wiat, what? Oh. Baka me. I meant to say SVG! :D

Tip of the day: please avoid replying to PGD posts when working with acetone all day - its like proximity meth after all...

27-06-2011, 09:16 AM
Here is my first screenshot of my game. I have finally added in some software 3d routines to draw 3d objects.

http://img15.imageshack.us/img15/4946/3dscreenshot.png (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/15/3dscreenshot.png/)

I am experimenting with a retro tunnel effect that will probably move towards the user :)


Ñuño Martínez
27-06-2011, 10:59 AM
May be some Elite style starships? ::)


27-06-2011, 11:17 AM
May be some Elite style starships? ::)


Sounds good :)
So what was the image? it didn't show up...

EDIT: haha! it showed up AFTER I posted :D


27-06-2011, 12:09 PM
Sweet bro. Is this one running in SvPascal?

27-06-2011, 12:27 PM
Sweet bro. Is this one running in SvPascal?

Yes indeedy Jarrod :D

Nicely done with the software! Thanks for making it :)


Ñuño Martínez
27-06-2011, 01:09 PM
Sounds good :)
So what was the image? it didn't show up...

EDIT: haha! it showed up AFTER I posted :D

Paul Anyway I'll say it: If I remember correctly that is a Coriolis Station. The rectangle is the dock-entrance.

27-06-2011, 05:23 PM
I think you've been typecast as the retro style game maker. ;) Looks very interesting though. I used to love playing Gyruss (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JevTEb_hMYY) on my old NES.

27-06-2011, 08:49 PM
Anyway I'll say it: If I remember correctly that is a Coriolis Station. The rectangle is the dock-entrance.

Thanks :)


27-06-2011, 08:51 PM
I think you've been typecast as the retro style game maker. ;)

haha! it seems that way, but I don't mind - I was the first one to mention retro for this :D

Looks very interesting though. I used to love playing Gyruss (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JevTEb_hMYY) on my old NES.

Thanks Jason :) This is all I have done ATM though...


27-06-2011, 09:15 PM
No problem. Thank you for testing and sending the feedback.

Looking at the pic reminds me of a Star Castle (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Castle) type game I was working on some time ago. Wonder if I still have the sources. I love retro style games too BTW. Fond memories. I lost a many quarters playing Gyruss, Asteroids and others.

Keep going bro!

27-06-2011, 11:15 PM
I have managed to get my tunnel to move now - it was quite easy too!


I just stored an array of tunnel segement Z positions, and decreased those over time.
When the first segment goes past the near clipping plane I move all the segments in the array down one position and make the last one equal the second last one + a segment distance :)

procedure TVectored.ScrollTunnel(const aTimeSlice: Single);
i: Integer;
for i := cMaxTunnelRings - 1 downto 0 do
FTunnelRingsZ[i] := FTunnelRingsZ[i] - cTunnelSpeed * aTimeSlice;

if FTunnelRingsZ[0] < FGraphics3d.NearZ then
// move tunnel rings forward and put 1st one in back
for i := 1 to cMaxTunnelRings - 1 do
FTunnelRingsZ[i - 1] := FTUnnelRingsZ[i];

FTunnelRingsZ[cMaxTunnelRings - 1] := FTunnelRingsZ[cMaxTunnelRings - 2] + cTunnelRingSpacing;

PS. hey guys, when are we getting Pascal code tags?!?!


28-06-2011, 02:46 AM
Whoa. NICE!

28-06-2011, 02:53 AM
Whoa. NICE!

Thanks mate :) I'm trying to get some simple 3d models into the game now (wire-frame only)...


28-06-2011, 11:25 AM
Have you thought about adding some lines to improve the feeling of depth like in Tempest?


28-06-2011, 12:11 PM
Thanks for the ideas pstudio :)


28-06-2011, 12:17 PM
+1 for lines.

28-06-2011, 02:59 PM
Can SVEngine pull off the particle effects etc found in cap #2? It'd be quite nice to see something that polished - mind you, if your THAT good you might just land a job replacing Ted Carson (Red dead redemption for non-followers) :D

Looking good so far though. Might try get a few dozen lines in this evening on my entry - only spent a handful of hours so far on everything. Game kernel is uncommented - you have to be in the zone to grasp it fully. Mortals....

28-06-2011, 10:30 PM
Can SVEngine pull off the particle effects etc found in cap #2? It'd be quite nice to see something that polished - mind you, if your THAT good you might just land a job replacing Ted Carson (Red dead redemption for non-followers) :D

Looking good so far though. Might try get a few dozen lines in this evening on my entry - only spent a handful of hours so far on everything. Game kernel is uncommented - you have to be in the zone to grasp it fully. Mortals....

SvEngine can definitely do particles - you just have to have a particle texture (or sub texture part), have some particle records/classes in a list of some sort, and render them using the particle texture; not hard to do :)

You could also use the BeginPrimitive / EndPrimitive routines in SvEngine that I wrote to draw OpenGL style points, lines, polygons as you can use textures with those which could make for some awesome particles!

With the primitive routines you can also use texture coordinates too to control where in a texture you are getting the 'picture' from just like in OpenGL :)


01-07-2011, 08:12 AM
I am experimenting with a retro tunnel effect that will probably move towards the user :)

Ooh, you are going to hypnotize the judges?

01-07-2011, 03:34 PM
Sounds like a plan.... Hmm, I could swear I had a book on that from the USSR dating back to 1965 somewhere... ::):D

02-07-2011, 02:51 AM
haha! good one guys :)


04-07-2011, 05:57 AM
Hopefully I wil get another small video done tonight to show you.

I have now got the tunnel looking a bit better, there are asteroids coming at the ship from down in the tunnel, and you can rotate the ship around the tunnel.

I am also hoping to get some 'glowing' lines added in too to make the graphics look better LOL

I am doubting I will get this done by the deadline (I am really busy ATM, and getting over a cold), but I will try :)


04-07-2011, 06:04 AM
That deadline is a problem - I will grant you that. Can't seem to get enough time for code at the moment and it really is a damn shame really. :(

04-07-2011, 07:02 AM
That deadline is a problem - I will grant you that. Can't seem to get enough time for code at the moment and it really is a damn shame really. :(

yeah, but I guess that's life :D

Anyway here is a screenshot of the WIP to whet your appetites ;)
http://img825.imageshack.us/img825/2743/screenshotfep.png (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/825/screenshotfep.png/)

The ship and objects will be more visible against the tunnel as I am planning on making them 'glow :)

It might be hard to see in that screenshot, but the ship also has a flickering exhaust out of it's arse hehe
It is easier to see when moving...


04-07-2011, 03:41 PM
Wow, hold on - is this for real?? I better get a move on. Like fast then...

04-07-2011, 06:19 PM
Ohh that is nice.

04-07-2011, 07:27 PM
The ship and objects will be more visible against the tunnel as I am planning on making them 'glow :)

A few creative shaders help a lot, not least some recursive filtering. I have that on my "might do" list, which means that I don't have a chance to include that, I must make my game playable first. It makes a lot of sense here, as a combination of retro and modern styles.

04-07-2011, 10:18 PM
Ohh that is nice.

Thanks! Yours looks really good too, can't wait to play it :)

hmm...5 days left - I'd better shake my tail feathers! haha

Besides moving the ship, you can't do anything else yet in mine...


04-07-2011, 10:20 PM
A few creative shaders help a lot, not least some recursive filtering. I have that on my "might do" list, which means that I don't have a chance to include that, I must make my game playable first. It makes a lot of sense here, as a combination of retro and modern styles.

Thanks mate :)

I am pretty sure I can't use shaders or recursive filtering in the engine I am using, but maybe in the future :)

I am going to use some textured lines to put the 'glow' into it...


04-07-2011, 10:37 PM
Here is a short video of the ship moving around the tunnel:



05-07-2011, 12:27 AM
looks good but that's a pretty low frame rate you've got there.

05-07-2011, 12:56 AM
looks good but that's a pretty low frame rate you've got there.

That is due to the video capturing - it drops the frame rate quite a bit! mutter...mutter...

The actual game frame rate is higher; ~ 50 to 60 FPS :)


07-07-2011, 12:37 PM
Here is a new screenshot - I am firing triple-shot blasts at asteroids

http://img824.imageshack.us/img824/8240/game003.png (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/824/game003.png/)

With one button, I can fire normal blasts (1, 2, or 3 shot blasts - does 1, 2, or 3 hits of damage), or a missile blast (does lots of damage!)

It depends on the time the fire button is held down as to whether a normal blast, or missile is shot - keeps the button count down for the competition! :D

I can destroy asteroids, but not much else is happening yet; no explosions and other effects (or enemies)...I will get there LOL


07-07-2011, 07:08 PM
Lookin' good. :) Trying to make the ship more visible with thicker lines are ya?

07-07-2011, 08:50 PM
Lookin' good. :) Trying to make the ship more visible with thicker lines are ya?

LOL yeah...all the objects in the game are now drawn using my shiny new glowing line routine that I got working a couple of days ago. I am very pleased with the results.

It uses a triangle strip to draw parts of an alpha blended circle texture as a line replacement:

http://img221.imageshack.us/img221/232/game001.png (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/221/game001.png/)


07-07-2011, 09:10 PM
LOL yeah...all the objects in the game are now drawn using my shiny new glowing line routine that I got working a couple of days ago. I am very pleased with the results.

It uses a triangle strip to draw parts of an alpha blended circle texture as a line replacement:

That's a very nice pseudo-filter! It looks as good as a real one! (And as a bonus I am sure it is less messy to get different glow at different parts.)

07-07-2011, 10:39 PM
That's a very nice pseudo-filter! It looks as good as a real one! (And as a bonus I am sure it is less messy to get different glow at different parts.)

Thanks mate :)

If you are interested, here is the code I wrote. It uses Jarrod Davis' SvEngine (http://simvector.com) and its OpenGL like primitives routines (I also wrote those) so it could easily be adapted to OpenGL or some other system :)

If you examine the code, I have included 'diagrams' of where all the points are and how they are used for the triangle strips.

Note: if converting to straight OpenGL, you need to do anti-clockwise vertices as opposed to clockwise in DirectX (SvEngine uses DirectX behind the scenes)! Same with the texture coordinates, the v coord (vertical ones are flipped around in OpenGL I believe)...

Oh, and here is the glow texture I used too (very very hard to see as it is very alpha blended) - I have surrounded it by another colour so you can see it:

unit unit_glowinglines;



procedure DrawGlowingLine(x1,y1,x2,y2: Single; color: cardinal; RenderState: Integer; texture: TsvTexture; DrawEnd1,DrawEnd2: Boolean; width: Single = 1);



TRGBA = packed record
case Integer of
0: (b,g,r,a: Byte);
1: (Value: Cardinal);

// glowing line routines

function OffsetCoord(const ox,oy,x,y: Single; up,right: TVector2f): TVector2f;
// this function moves along the rotated space's up & right vectors by
// y and x respectively, and then translates it to ox,oy
Result.x := ox + x * right.x + y * up.x;
Result.y := oy + x * right.y + y * up.y;

procedure DrawGlowingLine(x1,y1,x2,y2: Single; color: cardinal; RenderState: Integer; texture: TsvTexture; DrawEnd1,DrawEnd2: Boolean; width: Single = 1);
up, right: TVector2f;
dx,dy: Single;
radius: Single;
p0,p1,p2,p3: TVector2f;
p4,p5,p6,p7: TVector2f;
c.Value := color;

if width <= 1 then
sv.RenderDevice.BeginPrimitive(ptLineList,RenderSt ate,nil);


radius := width / 2;

dx := X2 - X1;
dy := Y2 - Y1;

// calculate rotation vectors for line
up := VecNormalize(VecPerp(Vector2f(dx,dy)));
right := VecNormalize(Vector2f(dx,dy));

// calculate triangle strip points
p1 := OffsetCoord(x1,y1,-radius,-radius,up,right);
p7 := OffsetCoord(x2,y2,+radius,-radius,up,right);
p6 := OffsetCoord(x2,y2,+radius,+radius,up,right);
p0 := OffsetCoord(x1,y1,-radius,+radius,up,right);

p5 := OffsetCoord(x2,y2,0,-radius,up,right);
p4 := OffsetCoord(x2,y2,0,+radius,up,right);
p2 := OffsetCoord(x1,y1,0,+radius,up,right);
p3 := OffsetCoord(x1,y1,0,-radius,up,right);

U-> 0.0 0.5 0.5 1.0

p1 p3 p5 p7
0.0 +--------*-----------------------*----------+ 0.0
V | up |
| | x1,y1 | x2,y2 |
v | *-----------+-----------* |
| right -> |
| |
0.1 +--------*-----------------------*----------+ 1.0
p0 p2 p4 p6

uv 0.0 0.5 0.5 1.0

sv.RenderDevice.BeginPrimitive(ptTriangleStrip,Ren derState,texture);


triangle strip vertex order
1 3 5 7
|\ |\ |\ |
| \| \| \|
0 2 4 6
if DrawEnd1 then
sv.RenderDevice.Texcoord2f(0.0,1); sv.RenderDevice.Vertex2f(p0.x,p0.y);
sv.RenderDevice.Texcoord2f(0.0,0); sv.RenderDevice.Vertex2f(p1.x,p1.y);

// stretch center of texture along middle section
sv.RenderDevice.Texcoord2f(0.5,1); sv.RenderDevice.Vertex2f(p2.x,p2.y);
sv.RenderDevice.Texcoord2f(0.5,0); sv.RenderDevice.Vertex2f(p3.x,p3.y);
sv.RenderDevice.Texcoord2f(0.5,1); sv.RenderDevice.Vertex2f(p4.x,p4.y);
sv.RenderDevice.Texcoord2f(0.5,0); sv.RenderDevice.Vertex2f(p5.x,p5.y);

if DrawEnd2 then
sv.RenderDevice.Texcoord2f(1.0,1); sv.RenderDevice.Vertex2f(p6.x,p6.y);
sv.RenderDevice.Texcoord2f(1.0,0); sv.RenderDevice.Vertex2f(p7.x,p7.y);




unit unit_vectors;


// TVector2f
PVector2f = ^TVector2f;
TVector2f = record
x, y: Single;

// TVector3f
PVector3f = ^TVector3f;
TVector3f = record
x, y, z: Single;

// TVector4f
PVector4f = ^TVector4f;
TVector4f = array[0..3] of Single;

function Vector2f(const aX,aY: Single): TVector2f;
function VecNegative(const v: TVector2f): TVector2f; overload;
function VecAdd(const v1, v2: TVector2f): TVector2f; overload;
function VecSubtract(const v1, v2: TVector2f): TVector2f; overload;
function VecMultiply(const v: TVector2f; const s: Single): TVector2f; overload;
function VecNormalize(const v: TVector2f): TVector2f; overload;
function VecLen(const v: TVector2f): Single; overload;
function VecDot(const v1,v2: TVector2f): Single; overload;
function VecPerp(const v: TVector2f): TVector2f;

function Vector3f(const aX,aY,aZ: Single): TVector3f;
function VecNegative(const v: TVector3f): TVector3f; overload;
function VecAdd(const v1, v2: TVector3f): TVector3f; overload;
function VecSubtract(const v1, v2: TVector3f): TVector3f; overload;
function VecMultiply(const v: TVector3f; const s: Single): TVector3f; overload;
function VecNormalize(const v: TVector3f): TVector3f; overload;
function VecLen(const v: TVector3f): Single; overload;
function VecDot(const v1,v2: TVector3f): Single; overload;
function VecCross(const v1,v2: TVector3f): TVector3f;

function Vector4f(const aX,aY,aZ: Single; const aW: Single = 1): TVector4f;


// TVector2f routines
function Vector2f(const aX, aY: Single): TVector2f;
Result.x := aX;
Result.y := aY;

function VecNegative(const v: TVector2f): TVector2f;
Result.x := -v.x;
Result.y := -v.y;

function VecAdd(const v1, v2: TVector2f): TVector2f;
Result.x := v1.x + v2.x;
Result.y := v1.y + v2.y;

function VecSubtract(const v1, v2: TVector2f): TVector2f;
Result.x := v1.x - v2.x;
Result.y := v1.y - v2.y;

function VecMultiply(const v: TVector2f; const s: Single): TVector2f;
Result.x := v.x * s;
Result.y := v.y * s;

function VecNormalize(const v: TVector2f): TVector2f;
mag: Single;
mag := VecLen(v);
if mag < 1 then mag := 1;

Result.x := v.x / mag;
Result.y := v.y / mag;

function VecLen(const v: TVector2f): Single;
Result := Sqrt(Sqr(v.x) + Sqr(v.y));

function VecDot(const v1,v2: TVector2f): Single;
Result := v1.x * v2.x + v1.y * v2.y;

function VecPerp(const v: TVector2f): TVector2f;
Result := Vector2f(-v.y, v.x);

// TVector3f routines
function Vector3f(const aX, aY, aZ: Single): TVector3f;
Result.x := aX;
Result.y := aY;
Result.z := aZ;

function VecNegative(const v: TVector3f): TVector3f;
Result.x := -v.x;
Result.y := -v.y;
Result.z := -v.z;

function VecAdd(const v1, v2: TVector3f): TVector3f;
Result.x := v1.x + v2.x;
Result.y := v1.y + v2.y;
Result.z := v1.z + v2.z;

function VecSubtract(const v1, v2: TVector3f): TVector3f;
Result.x := v1.x - v2.x;
Result.y := v1.y - v2.y;
Result.z := v1.z - v2.z;

function VecMultiply(const v: TVector3f; const s: Single): TVector3f;
Result.x := v.x * s;
Result.y := v.y * s;
Result.z := v.z * s;

function VecNormalize(const v: TVector3f): TVector3f;
mag: Single;
mag := VecLen(v);
if mag < 1 then mag := 1;

Result.x := v.x / mag;
Result.y := v.y / mag;
Result.z := v.z / mag;

function VecLen(const v: TVector3f): Single;
Result := Sqrt(Sqr(v.x) + Sqr(v.y) + Sqr(v.z));

function VecDot(const v1,v2: TVector3f): Single;
Result := v1.x * v2.x + v1.y * v2.y + v1.z * v2.z;

function VecCross(const v1,v2: TVector3f): TVector3f;
Result.x := v1.y * v2.z - v1.z * v2.y;
Result.y := v1.z * v2.x - v1.x * v2.z;
Result.z := v1.x * v2.y - v1.y * v2.x;

// TVector4f routines
function Vector4f(const aX, aY, aZ: Single; const aW: Single = 1): TVector4f;
Result[0] := aX;
Result[1] := aY;
Result[2] := aZ;
Result[3] := aW;



08-07-2011, 03:10 AM
As a better FTP test for the competition, I have uploaded the current version of Vectored! to the FTP site so people can give it a whirl if they wish (Win32 only!!). You need 7z (http://www.7-zip.org/) to unpack it (creates a folder, no install necessary).

See the "paul_nicholls - vectored! - early test.7z" file (1.94 MB)

NOTE: it is only a test at the moment, and nowhere near the final thing :)

You can destroy asteroids and get destroyed by asteroids, but it has some sound effects now...yay (they were created using sfxr (http://www.drpetter.se/project_sfxr.html)).

It still needs optimizing to improve the frame rate at times ;)

Shoot = (quick tap for normal fire, hold down for 1 second or more to fire misslle)
move left/right = left/right cursor keys
Exit game = Escape

Asteroids need 4 shots of normal fire to explode, but only 1 missile shot...


08-07-2011, 01:45 PM
It looks pretty good :)
Will the tunnel speed increase during gameplay?
The pulsating glow effect on the asteroids look cool.

08-07-2011, 05:15 PM
It's kind of hard to tell they're asteroids from far away though now because of the glowing effect. Also, the game runs kind of poorly (50fps; i5 w/ nvidia 310m)

08-07-2011, 10:29 PM
Hmm... I barely get 30fps where dead space 2 gets 30+fps on med/high so performance is an 'issue' I would say... I shudder to think of the carnage on a GMA chip :o

Anyway, I couldn't help noticing one big problem: Memory leak. Shooting boosts memory a few kb, as does a new asteroid - destroying them does NOT make mem usage decrease. I started on 16,714kb RAM and within a minute reached 18,224kb which is a tad worrying ::)

Otherwise very good game, lots of potential - as an improvement: where lines meet it make a big blob which might be nice to avoid? Kinda reminds me of the original tron and the old amstrad days even though those where before my time I have played with them :D

08-07-2011, 10:31 PM
@pstudio: thanks mate :) I'm not sure if the tunnel speed will change, but the red rectangles in the tunnel will end up being blocks and other stuff that stick up and you have to avoid or get destroyed. Oh, and there will be less red blocks in the beginning but that will increase as time/levels increase :)

@dazappa: I guess it is hard to tell from afar that they are asteroids :) To be honest, I am drawing more of the asteroids than I need to right now, and this extra drawing is not helping. It causes more glowing on them and might even slow things down! I am working on the frame rate issues along with the rest of the game...

Thanks for trying it guys! :)


08-07-2011, 10:42 PM
Hmm... I barely get 30fps where dead space 2 gets 30+fps on med/high so performance is an 'issue' I would say... I shudder to think of the carnage on a GMA chip :o

FPS carnage...funny! :( Yeah, I am working on the FPS issue mate. It probably doesn't help that the engine I am using is a very very good 2d engine, but it has no native 3d drawing routines out of the box (I am working on this too after the competition!). So I am currently emulating the OpenGL pipeline by using equivalent matrices and routines to transform objects from world space to the screen and then drawing them as 2d lines.

Anyway, I couldn't help noticing one big problem: Memory leak. Shooting boosts memory a few kb, as does a new asteroid - destroying them does NOT make mem usage decrease. I started on 16,714kb RAM and within a minute reached 18,224kb which is a tad worrying ::)

There isn't a memory leak, it is Windows not releasing memory as objects are being destroyed - a well known problem!! The memory gets returned after the game finishes. I could make it so I create a pool of objects at the start of the game that I just reuse and not create/destroy any during the game...

Otherwise very good game, lots of potential - as an improvement: where lines meet it make a big blob which might be nice to avoid? Kinda reminds me of the original tron and the old amstrad days even though those where before my time I have played with them :D

The blobs are formed from the line ends intersecting each other and having additive effects with their alpha blended parts..

As you say it is a bit like Tron and I quite like the effect to be honest LOL

Thanks for playing mate!!


08-07-2011, 11:52 PM
thanks mate I'm not sure if the tunnel speed will change, but the red rectangles in the tunnel will end up being blocks and other stuff that stick up and you have to avoid or get destroyed. Oh, and there will be less red blocks in the beginning but that will increase as time/levels increase
That sounds great. However I would still like a speedup. It looks like the ship is going so sloooooooow :) It doesn't have to affect gameplay. Just the visual.

FPS carnage...funny! Yeah, I am working on the FPS issue mate. It probably doesn't help that the engine I am using is a very very good 2d engine, but it has no native 3d drawing routines out of the box (I am working on this too after the competition!). So I am currently emulating the OpenGL pipeline by using equivalent matrices and routines to transform objects from world space to the screen and then drawing them as 2d lines.
I must say I'm surprised. I would have guessed that you were just faking it. No need for doing 3D transformations.
However I'm not experiencing any problems with the frame rate. My old laptop (2.2 GHz dual core and some ATI gfx card) gives me 61 fps and I'm assuming SVEngine is capping my fps.

09-07-2011, 12:59 AM
That sounds great. However I would still like a speedup. It looks like the ship is going so sloooooooow :) It doesn't have to affect gameplay. Just the visual.

Actually it WOULD affect gameplay - this is because the tunnel obstacles will come towards the ship faster :)
I think I will speed up the tunnel rate as the level difficulty increases though....thanks for the idea.

I must say I'm surprised. I would have guessed that you were just faking it. No need for doing 3D transformations.
However I'm not experiencing any problems with the frame rate. My old laptop (2.2 GHz dual core and some ATI gfx card) gives me 61 fps and I'm assuming SVEngine is capping my fps.

If I have time, I will fake it myself to use less resources and not do the full OpenGL pipeline thingy...fake OpenGL does make it easier though I can do things easily like this just as I would using real OpenGL:


FGraphics3d.Translatef(cShipPosX,cShipPosY,cShipPo sZ);

// draw body
C := RGBA(0,255,0,255);



I am glad you are getting 61 FPS though! nice to know :)


09-07-2011, 11:16 AM
Wow that tunnel screenshot looks really awesome. Very tuberunner-ish ;)

Looking forward to more! I can imagine that you can turn this into a very awesome action game. :)

09-07-2011, 12:03 PM
Wow that tunnel screenshot looks really awesome. Very tuberunner-ish ;)

Looking forward to more! I can imagine that you can turn this into a very awesome action game. :)

Thanks! Have you tried the actual game from the FTP site yet? Just curious, no problem if you haven't :)


09-07-2011, 12:52 PM
Haven't done that yet. Will do ;)

09-07-2011, 07:53 PM
Thanks! Have you tried the actual game from the FTP site yet? Just curious, no problem if you haven't :)

The XP computer is stashed away in a corner so I can't right now... but I will. When I think about it, I have a Vista computer that my kids use, I just didn't consider using that. But speaking of OS versions, will it work on XP and/or Vista?

09-07-2011, 09:50 PM
The XP computer is stashed away in a corner so I can't right now... but I will. When I think about it, I have a Vista computer that my kids use, I just didn't consider using that. But speaking of OS versions, will it work on XP and/or Vista?

It works on both Vista and XP (tested on both) :)


13-07-2011, 09:38 PM
looks nice, reminds me on the beginning of the arcade era :)

13-07-2011, 10:33 PM
looks nice, reminds me on the beginning of the arcade era :)

Thanks mate :)

Hopefully I will put up another screenshot and/or some more video today sometime...

I have added in power-ups to collect, good 'grid' sections (speed-ups and maybe time increases), 'bad' grid sections - some will slow you down, others might zap you if you are over them at the wrong time.

I still don't have any collision detection for any of the grid sections yet, only asteroids but this should come soon I hope :)

I know I am running out of time so my game won't have a menu or other 'fancy' stuff, it will just get you right into the action so to speak for something different :D


13-07-2011, 11:05 PM
menus are bad cause in my case it would use more buttons then the game itself ;D

hmm powerups are a good idea maybe i use some too, thx for the inspiration ;)

14-07-2011, 12:19 PM
Here is the latest screenshot :)

http://img824.imageshack.us/img824/9509/game004.png (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/824/game004.png/)


14-07-2011, 12:57 PM
That looks cool. I can't wait to play this.

14-07-2011, 08:34 PM
That looks cool. I can't wait to play this.

Thanks mate :)

If you are wondering, it is going to be a beat the clock game - you have to see how far and long you can keep going for. There will be checkpoints that you have to reach - if you don't before the time runs out, it is game over...

Some powerups will add time to the clock, others will speed you up (green arrows), slow you down (red arrows), kill you (asteroids).

There are 4 different weapon powerups to collect - 1 shot, 2 shot, 3 shot (all primary weapons; each powerup changes the current weapon used), and missiles (secondary weapon).

At least this is the plan for after I do powerup/arrow collision detection (almost done) :D


14-07-2011, 08:45 PM
it is going to be a beat the clock game - you have to see how far and long you can keep going for.
Isn't the whole challenge a "beat the clock game"? But it seems you are going to beat the clock (that is complete it in time). At least if you go for a straight-forward collision detection. That is a big topic.

14-07-2011, 10:32 PM
Isn't the whole challenge a "beat the clock game"? But it seems you are going to beat the clock (that is complete it in time). At least if you go for a straight-forward collision detection. That is a big topic.

Ok, to clarify, Vectored! is going to be a "reach the next check-point before the time runs out or game over" type of game :D

With the power-up collision detection, I know at any time which tunnel rectangle that the ship is on. This means I am going to just check the rectangle under the ship, and use (and remove) the power-up on that tunnel segment...


Ñuño Martínez
15-07-2011, 07:46 AM
Here is the latest screenshot :)

http://img824.imageshack.us/img824/9509/game004.png (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/824/game004.png/)

Paul Wow! Nice! :o

15-07-2011, 08:46 AM
This looks incredible :) Yesterday I played your game and I must say that it inspires me to make something similar.

One question: Is this real 3d (as in Opengl-ish stuff) or is everything rendered in 2d with a 3d perspective in mind?

I was planning to make a game too but chances are slim that I will be able to create something playable before the deadline. :(

15-07-2011, 10:22 AM
This looks incredible Yesterday I played your game and I must say that it inspires me to make something similar.

One question: Is this real 3d (as in Opengl-ish stuff) or is everything rendered in 2d with a 3d perspective in mind?

Hey Nathan...thanks!

I am using a graphics pipe-line that mimics the OpenGL one with the same matrices and formulas to rotate/translate/scale, and project to screen. I am then drawing 2d lines, etc. at those projected 3d locations on the screen.

This is until I can add true 3d graphics routines using the DirectX in the background into SvEngine - I am planning on doing this after the competition (don't have time now) :)

PS: here is another screenshot:
http://img809.imageshack.us/img809/4192/game005.png (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/809/game005.png/)

In it you can see the current time left at the top (hours minutes seconds), and the current (if any) primary and secondary weapons at the side.

The ship's current velocity is also visible (this will change when I make the slow down/speed up arrows do something).

You can pickup power-ups like clocks (adds time to the time left), I, II, II shot primary weapons, and missile secondary weapon.

The number at the left of each weapon type is how many shots you have left for that weapon. Once it runs out, that box goes blank till you pick up another weapon.

Oh, and everything you see on the screen (except for the "Primary", "Secondary", and "Speed (kph)" text) is done as vector objects, including the time and speed digits!! I made all those myself :D


15-07-2011, 10:33 AM
I just need the arrows to do something, make the timer count down, and add in check points. Also do some tweaking with the random generation...oh, and do some effects when objects are picked up, triggered, or destroyed :D


15-07-2011, 12:36 PM
I'm looking forward to playing your game. It looks like fun.

15-07-2011, 09:04 PM
I'm looking forward to playing your game. It looks like fun.

Thanks :) I am also looking forward to playing your 3d maze game too...


15-07-2011, 09:14 PM
OMG its playable... I have tweaks to make, maps to create, tilesets to design and bugs to fix still... Looking forward to this one though.

15-07-2011, 10:14 PM
OMG its playable...

what a conclusion :D

oh and paul it look awesome, but sadly it wont run at old arcades anymore :)

Jimmy Valavanis
16-07-2011, 04:04 AM
Looks like an authentic arcade game, your idea is very good. The absence of texturemapping make the game more atmospheric. Looking forward for the final version :)

16-07-2011, 01:19 PM
Looks like an authentic arcade game, your idea is very good. The absence of texturemapping make the game more atmospheric. Looking forward for the final version :)

Thanks mate :)

Well, I think I have done as much as I can for this competition! :D

I have uploaded the latest (and most likely the last) zip file to the FTP site:

"paul_nicholls - vectored! - final.zip" (6.1MB file, Win 32 only - tested on Vista/XP)

It includes a read me file with my email address and instructions :)

It even has some music now ;)

PLEASE! let me know if it works, or doesn't work ASAP!!


Jimmy Valavanis
16-07-2011, 05:17 PM
Worked fine here! Good work!!

16-07-2011, 06:20 PM
Windows 7 64 bit here, works fine with sounds.

Some notes: It says "Press f5 to reset" when you die, but pressing f5 seemingly does nothing?
When you die / run out of time, it resets your distance to 0, so you don't know how well you did

16-07-2011, 10:30 PM
Some notes: It says "Press f5 to reset" when you die, but pressing f5 seemingly does nothing?
When you die / run out of time, it resets your distance to 0, so you don't know how well you did

Damn! I thought I had fixed the F5 issue - I removed it to reduce the button count for extra points...

Ok, I will try and fix this and the resetting issue too ASAP if I still have time.

Thanks for testing!


17-07-2011, 12:30 AM
Damn! I thought I had fixed the F5 issue - I removed it to reduce the button count for extra points...
Hidden cheat codes or for-development testing things can be forgiven as long as they are either well hidden from the core of the game or they are disabled for the normal running of the game it's self.

I don't want everyone to have to tear apart they means of which they developed their game, just to satisfy the d-pad + 4 buttons rule. As long as the game is played among the 8 buttons and any extra keys used are only for debugging purposes, we will judge those and not get into nitty gritty bits about how F1 makes the FPS display come on and off. That doesn't effect the game so we don't care about tiny things like that. :)

17-07-2011, 12:52 AM
PLEASE! let me know if it works, or doesn't work ASAP!!
It works on my iMac system under Parallels on WinXP SP3! :)

I'm sure it'll work on Win7, but it doesn't matter because you've satisfied that it work on one of my systems.

17-07-2011, 12:54 AM
Thanks Jason :) I have already removed the F5 bit (and from the audio file too) anway...

I am just adding some effects for when objects are destroyed/picked up, and I will re-submit my entry (very soon) :)


17-07-2011, 02:13 AM
That's ok F5 didn't do anything anyways. ;)

17-07-2011, 02:50 AM
Attention everyone (and judges :D)

I have now uploaded (hopefully) my final version - it now includes music this time (I forgot to add it to the archive...D'OH!), and graphical effects when destroying objects/picking them up :)

I think I now have all the bugs out of it, like the audio saying press F5 but that not working (is now removed) hehe

The new filename is:
"paul_nicholls - vectored! - final#2.zip" (Win32 only, 6.1MB in size)

Thanks to http://www.readthewords.com for all the voices in the game ;)

Thanks all, and good luck!!


17-07-2011, 10:06 AM
Well, if I get time tonight, I will upload a newer version of my game - I have added in a fullscreen mode using "-fullscreen" as a parameter :)

I will also do some small tweeks too...

It is 8:05pm on the 17th here in Australia and I don't know how many hours I have left :(


17-07-2011, 11:22 AM
It's 1:20pm here in Holland. I'm assuming I have at least until midnight.

17-07-2011, 12:04 PM
Looks like I won't be doing any more tonight - one of my children has gastro :(

If I have time first thing tomorrow morning, I will upload my new version with the fullscreen option...


17-07-2011, 09:02 PM
Ok, I have uploaded my most definitely final version to the ftp:

"paul_nicholls - vectored! - definitely final!!.zip"

It has the -fullscreen option if you want to use it, and also some tweeks...

I'm off to have some breakfast and go to work.

Good luck to one and all!! :D


17-07-2011, 09:14 PM
I have tried your game (not the "definitiely final" but an earlier one) and it looks very nice, runs smoothly. As I said before, the "filtered" look is a good effect. I didn't have speakers so I couldn't hear anything which certainly was a limitation but not one you are responsible for.

17-07-2011, 10:40 PM
Thanks for the kind words :)

This latest version is improved and much better IMHO - it has music, and voices saying what you are hitting/picking up which is very cool!

Here is a link to the same version in my dropbox folder for those who can't access FTP:



17-07-2011, 11:48 PM
HI Paul,

Graphics look cool. But I am getting some weird play issues.

I can press ctrl and I see a bullet, but it only works once.

I can press space bar and it fires, but I can't seem to hit anythiung.

If I fly through a green bomb looking thing the control seem to freeze and I can't move any more.

If I hit the yellow blob I appear to die but the game goes on without me, i.e, I have no plane to fly.

I love the 3d vector look and the smooth rotations is nice.

I have played it three or four times but I am confused as to what is going on, sorry.

18-07-2011, 12:09 AM
HI Paul,

Graphics look cool. But I am getting some weird play issues.

I can press ctrl and I see a bullet, but it only works once.

I can press space bar and it fires, but I can't seem to hit anythiung.

Ok, weird...ctrl shouldn't do anything in the game, only space and cursor keys...

You can only shoot the yellow asteroids - 4 shots destroys them, less hits makes a hit noise and doesn't do anything else.

If I fly through a green bomb looking thing the control seem to freeze and I can't move any more.

Not sure, but I think the green bomb looking thing is a missile (see secondary weapon box in the image below).

If the controls 'freeze', then you are either out of time (or destroyed)...are the large red time numbers at the top saying "00 00 00" (hours minutes seconds)?

If I hit the yellow blob I appear to die but the game goes on without me, i.e, I have no plane to fly.

Yup, the yellow blobs are asteroids - avoid those or you go boom haha

I thought this would be a cool thing to do - have the game go on without the ship instead of just freezing :)

I love the 3d vector look and the smooth rotations is nice.

I have played it three or four times but I am confused as to what is going on, sorry.

Ok, you have to collect the clocks (see item next to ship in image below) to increase your time, and if you hit the green arrows you go faster. If you run out of time before the next checkpoint it is game over, or if you are destroyed.

Red arrows slow you down too, so avoid those!

Collect the missiles (secondary weapon), and the I, II, III shot icons to give your self a primary weapon (or switch primary weapon).

Quick tap on the space bar fires primary weapon (if any).
Hold down space bar and release after 1 second fires secondary weapon (if any).

http://img190.imageshack.us/img190/467/game000.png (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/190/game000.png/)

Good luck!


18-07-2011, 02:09 AM
Thanks for the explanation. It is making more sense now :)

I would like to be able to restart without having to escape out and restarting the app. But otherwise it has an addictive quality that I like.

One unfair situation - there was no clock available before my time ran out. i.e., no clock from the start until I died.

18-07-2011, 02:25 AM
Thanks for the explanation. It is making more sense now :)

I would like to be able to restart without having to escape out and restarting the app. But otherwise it has an addictive quality that I like.

The only reason I didn't have a reset button was to keep the competition button use down, but I will probably add one (and menus, etc.) in a post-competition version :)

One unfair situation - there was no clock available before my time ran out. i.e., no clock from the start until I died.

That is unfortunate and unlucky!

If you shoot stuff then the randomization of objects might bring one or more clocks into existance...

Also try and hit the green speedups too :)


18-07-2011, 03:25 AM
I just managed to 'slip in' a "vectored - in-game items.pdf" document into the FTP and dropbox versions of the game zip file that has pictures and descriptions of each in-game object (not including the asteroids) to help if you are confused :)


18-07-2011, 07:36 PM
Nifty little game you got here. I works great. Very smooth. The music is nicely chosen and so are the sound effects. I'm not so keen about using the same button for two different functions though. I often pressed the spacebar longer than the specified 2 seconds in order to release a bomb (which btw is the most fun weapon to use by far), only to find myself destroyed because I waited too long. Which brings up the matter of replaying the game. You need to restart the whole program in order to do that. It kills your flow. Other than that, nice job!

18-07-2011, 10:40 PM
Nifty little game you got here. I works great. Very smooth. The music is nicely chosen and so are the sound effects.

Thanks mate :)

I'm not so keen about using the same button for two different functions though. I often pressed the spacebar longer than the specified 2 seconds in order to release a bomb (which btw is the most fun weapon to use by far), only to find myself destroyed because I waited too long.

I did it this way because:

a) it reduced the button count for the game to hopefully add bonus points LOL
b) this is how a cartridge game on the Commodore C64 worked (Seafox (http://gamesdbase.com/game/commodore-64/seafox.aspx)). You did a quick tap to fire a torpedo upwards, or held it down to fire a forward torpedo (the c64 joystick only had 1 button usually) - I thought this was quite clever so I copied it :D

EDIT: dang and blast! it only just occured to me that in Seafox you held the button down and didn't have to release it to fire the forward torpedo! I got it slightly wrong in my game (must fix this...)

Which brings up the matter of replaying the game. You need to restart the whole program in order to do that. It kills your flow. Other than that, nice job!

Yeah, I know it killed the flow, but again I didn't have a reset button to minimize the button count in the spirit of the competition - I am planning on changing this in a possible post-competition release :)

Thanks for trying it!


19-07-2011, 12:42 AM
Damn! it looks like the FTP has finally been closed (was still up about 1hr ago) :(

I just missed out on uploading a final change to my entry - a restart game option (using same fire button), and fixing the firing method ; quick taps fires normal, hold down for 2+ seconds fires missile without you having to judge time and release the button.

oh well...

EDIT: I have updated my dropbox version anyway with this new one, enjoy!


19-07-2011, 02:46 PM
I just tried the latest version from your dropbox. The visual wireframe style is great and the effect while rotating is really smooth. Maybe you could add white points (starfield) flying by in the background?
Some questions on the gameplay though: Do I actually have to destroy the asteroids? It's quite easy to reach the checkpoints by collecting clocks and just avoiding asteroids and slow downs. Also I haven't really figured out why one should use the secondary weapon (except to test what it does :D). I found it much easier to use the primary weapon if I really wanted to destroy an asteroid. Btw I also discovered how to cheat: if you don't have a secondary weapon, but keep fire button pressed long enough and then collect a missile while fire button is still pressed, it's launched immediatly ;) .
To sum up, this is a really nice game, but there should be more motivation to shoot those yellow asteroids.

20-07-2011, 10:45 PM
I just tried the latest version from your dropbox. The visual wireframe style is great and the effect while rotating is really smooth. Maybe you could add white points (starfield) flying by in the background?

Hi jxs, thanks for playing my little game :)

I do have stationary red stars in the background, but they are are hard to see and don't move. It might be better to make the white as you say and move them too :)

Some questions on the gameplay though: Do I actually have to destroy the asteroids? It's quite easy to reach the checkpoints by collecting clocks and just avoiding asteroids and slow downs

That is a really good point...sometimes it is useful to destroy asteroids to get a power-up that might be behind it, but as you say, you can avoid them. I will see if I can try to change that LOL <evil laugh mode initiated>

Also I haven't really figured out why one should use the secondary weapon (except to test what it does :D). I found it much easier to use the primary weapon if I really wanted to destroy an asteroid. Btw I also discovered how to cheat: if you don't have a secondary weapon, but keep fire button pressed long enough and then collect a missile while fire button is still pressed, it's launched immediatly ;) .
To sum up, this is a really nice game, but there should be more motivation to shoot those yellow asteroids.

Ok, thanks for the observation with the 'cheat' LOL I will have to see if I can fix this :D
I will also try and make more reasons to shoot the asteroids too!

Thanks again mate :)


21-07-2011, 02:02 AM
I think secondary missile should a different button. Holding down space for 2 seconds is a long time. With incoming asteroid it is like a game of chicken and usually the missile doesn't launch in time. It is much much safer to just collect triple shot or similar and blast asteroids.

21-07-2011, 03:00 AM
I think secondary missile should a different button. Holding down space for 2 seconds is a long time. With incoming asteroid it is like a game of chicken and usually the missile doesn't launch in time. It is much much safer to just collect triple shot or similar and blast asteroids.

Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated :)

I think I might drop the missile time down to 1 second or similar, but I think I will stick to the same button for now and see how it plays out (pun intended)...


27-07-2011, 05:54 PM
Now when we are waiting for the points from the judges, I noted that Paul scores highest in one category: Most posts in thread about the game. (But a real judge would also deduct the developer's own posts, if this had been a real scoring category.)

Just a little :) while we wait - and I just got back after being out of internet for a while.

27-07-2011, 09:04 PM
Now when we are waiting for the points from the judges, I noted that Paul scores highest in one category: Most posts in thread about the game

hahah!! :D