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View Full Version : What gives?

29-06-2011, 08:51 AM
Sooo, what's up guys? I know it's summer and all, but what's up with the quietness? We've got this competition going, the opportunity to show what skills you have, praise others, whatever, but except for the few PGDmC threads that get the occasional post, it's all very quiet.

What gives?

29-06-2011, 09:42 AM
Almost done with studies and completely exhausted by the hot weather yesterday. I really feel like collapsing, but I have to finish some stuff first. And I will join a summerschool next week, so no time for pascal programming then. I haven't been able to work on PGDmC yet, which is pretty bad. At this point no other pascal projects are running here.

Ñuño Martínez
29-06-2011, 10:00 AM
Hot... Too much hot... Brain boiling... Can right think not...

29-06-2011, 11:30 AM
Cold...too much cold...brain freezing... :D

It is winter here and was 0 degrees Celsius this morning when I went to work :)

Besides my PGDmC game I am working on, it is very quiet here; ignoring work and life LOL


29-06-2011, 02:15 PM
Busy with work and real-life, and when I'm off work somebody always finds something I need to do for them. Also busy working on my Android game, that's going painfully slow. All that and being a lazy bastard in-between really leaves little time for else. Besides, I haven't done much worthwhile to show. However, I am hoping I'll become more active.

29-06-2011, 06:15 PM
to be honest , i think i could not finish my game befor the 10th of july, since its 3D and i start late, right now i am in the design stage (photoshop , blender .. etc)

i'll try to do my best

29-06-2011, 07:42 PM
It is the middle of winter for half of the planet. Family and business commitments means its almost impossible to find time to program for fun.

Ñuño Martínez
30-06-2011, 08:19 AM
Cold...too much cold...brain freezing... :D Send me some snow and I'll send you some... er... hot air? :D

30-06-2011, 04:21 PM
Heh, well this community isn't extremely active to begin with ;) Personally I'm having an issue with fungal infections in my fish tank which is causing some to die off and it's very nerve-wracking trying to treat it. In terms of the compo, my game is very small so I don't feel like making a topic about it. Much more fun to have a random surprise.

30-06-2011, 09:39 PM
Well, its something like this: exam week finished, schools are on strike, its moderately hot, a whole new year of work ahead and a plethora of extra-curricular events going on.... With a german exchange student staying over etc... Oh and did I mention I'm also fine tuning the Windows Home Server and VMWare Server rig too ;)

Oh, and of course there is the PGDmC issue too... So, my brain is like: 'AAAAAAAAAAHH MOTHERLAND!' (brilliant quote).

But development continues in spite of the German assessment for school in 2 weeks or so, so yea. Rock!

Although is there any change of getting an extra 1 or 2 days dev time? I have a LOT of work to do. The implementations are nice but the beta is still TBA and after that is all that darned debugging... I mean its leaking memory like the titanic which is an issue and the playability is not nice (unresponsiveness etc). Preferably, it would be nice to do an engine overhaul but thats not going to happen in this time frame. For my game design its a 'groundbreaking' approach and the first of its kind but its far from desireable. Oh well.

@Traveler: But I promise you one thing: the spam we mods keep you free from is not quiet this time of year ;) Just wiped 20 threads on Page 1 with more to follow.

01-07-2011, 04:23 AM
Put the German kid to work for ya! They're pretty ingenuitive people. ;)

Although is there any change of getting an extra 1 or 2 days dev time?
As I said, I'm going to be fairly flexible for the deadline. As such I may add a couple of days onto the end to allow people time to get their entry uploaded to the FTP. The deadline won't be as hardcore as a PGD Annual competition would.

01-07-2011, 04:23 AM
Work takes up a lot of time - fotuntly I have the opportunity to code in Delphi at the moment. (Wrote a code generator that creates Oracle scripts to migrate and merge data from 7 different databases in to 1 - a total of about 3 billion records being migrated in 3.5 days - also written a full deployment tool to distribute other application automatically between 100 windows servers runnign Citrix)

I play a few online games at the moment - my favorite at the moment being GPRO.net which is very data/formula driven and I am writing tools in php and delphi to store data and to try analyse the hidden formulas in the game (a full data website in php and a multiple regression analysis tool in Delphi)

I still do a lot of exercise - in May this included a 500km race which we completed in 103 hours - to keep fit I ride my bicylce to work and back once or twice a week.

Got a family to manage - 3 kids and a wife can take up quite a bit of time.

So yes - this is busy times - just wish I could drown myself in the PGDmC entry i am working on - I last looked at it about 4 days ago.

01-07-2011, 09:28 AM
Busy times indeed. Sounds like you've got your hands full with some exciting stuff.
As a related topic, I'm currently waiting for a customer to implement a DB migration tool I wrote some time ago (also in Delphi). If all goes well it should migrate about 13 million records. I already thought that was a lot, but..... 3 billion records?!

01-07-2011, 01:03 PM
The South African electricity producer's distribution division runs accross 7 regions in South Africa. Currently their maintenance system runs as 7 different instances. The current project is deploying a new version of the system and doing the consolidation of the environments into a single database.

Overall there are 3 billion records being migrated by the tool, however 1.9 billion of these are in one table. You cannot imagine the tricks we are doign to make it run as fast as possible - we thread (running multiple scripts at the same time), run in parralel (oracle parralel functions) and manage execution scheduling in unix scripts.

We are scheduled to go live starting the 11th of July, but expect a week or so's delay while the client gets their networks sorted out.

01-07-2011, 03:13 PM
99% complete.... Oh wait, no power AAAH! ESKOOOOM! I hate you load shedding :D