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View Full Version : Problems loading a PNG texture

14-07-2011, 09:28 AM

I'm having difficulties loading a PNG texture from file. All I see is a white rectangle when I render it. The log says:

[00001930ms] Unable to load texture: "G:\proj\defender\bin\data\tux_stand.png"

I've used tux_stand to make sure the image wasn't the problem. It seems that ManagerTextures.count.formats is zero. I can't find any code that loads these formats. I guess something went wrong when I tried to remove redundant files from my project directory. Or maybe i forgot to copy some files to it. ???

Can somebody help me out?


14-07-2011, 09:42 AM
That was pretty simple. Seems like every image format has it's own unit that must be included aswell.


I'd like to see some kind of guide that explains these things. Would help alot :)

14-07-2011, 12:48 PM
I'd like to see some kind of guide that explains these things. Would help alot
demos\Your IDE here\04 - Text\Project File, line 19 :)

14-07-2011, 01:12 PM
Hehe, I'm not much of a reader when it comes to demo sources. Usually I just run them and globally analyze them. I actually meant that it would be nice to have a webpage that explains in detail how zengl is set up. I believe it's not that hard to summarize how it works.

Fortunately, I see that there is allready some info on the wiki. :)