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  1. Designing In Secret: When To Reveail? Is it ready yet?

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Name:	RedAntLogo.jpg 
Views:	195743 
Size:	77.5 KB 
ID:	1080Hello all!

    It's been a while since I've written a blog on PGD. I thought I would at least give it a try tonight.

    I just finished a session of hacking away at my latest project, Garland's Quest. This game has actually been in productions since 2006 and boy has it really come a long way. I just wonder how it would have turned out at this time if only I had been able to work on it full time. Nonetheless, it is starting to look really good and it's ...
  2. Garland's Quest Redux & Stranded

    Hey everybody!

    Been hard at work at my day job and on the new house. Both have left me not too much time for supporting the PGD community, however it has left me with a little bit of personal time to work on some of my special projects such as Garland's Quest, which recently has been taken on as a budgeted commercial game project. I've already hired a professional artist and musician who have been coming up with some great stuff for the game's complete make-over. The other big project ...
  3. 2nd PGD Challenge & Jolting The Community

    Hey everyone!

    It's been a while since I wrote a new blog, so I figured that I should make an attempt to give you all a slice of my thoughts of late. I've been a little busy for the past few months, so you all know I have a full-time career on top of all this volunteer stuff I do with the community. Though I love it, I have to put food on the table after all, right?

    I've been back in full swing over the past few weeks however and I've ben trying to jolt the community into ...
  4. Computer Down

    Well it would seem that my plans to provide more news posts and start promoting PGD and Pascal Gamer before I left in November have collapsed.

    My slightly over one year iMac has gone wonky on me and I cannot seem together it to work again with reinstalls and diagnostic tools. Therefore there must be a hardware issue of which I'll have to send it in together it fixed. Sadly that will take more time than I an spare as it means a 3 hour drive to the next major city of where there is ...
  5. Managing Chaos & the Next Big PGD Event

    Hey all you faithful PGD Members!

    I'm finally posting another entry in my PGD Blog to tell you all about some of the great stuff that's been going on behind the scenes and what you will soon get to experience in the next few months.

    Stayin' Alive & Kickin'

    Well some of you might have noticed a little outage of the site just last month. Thanks to the efforts of Dominique Louis (savage), Christina Warne (AthenaOfDelphi) and Benjamin Gregg-Smith ...
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