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Community Announcement

Announcing things about the community in general.

  1. Computer Down

    Well it would seem that my plans to provide more news posts and start promoting PGD and Pascal Gamer before I left in November have collapsed.

    My slightly over one year iMac has gone wonky on me and I cannot seem together it to work again with reinstalls and diagnostic tools. Therefore there must be a hardware issue of which I'll have to send it in together it fixed. Sadly that will take more time than I an spare as it means a 3 hour drive to the next major city of where there is ...
  2. PSN Still Down, Dev Tool / Language Guides

    Hey folks! Yeah the poor PlayStation Network (aka PSN) is still down and all those of you who wanted to play the latest games like Portal 2, Mortal Kombat and even Little Big Planet 2 online are Sure Out of Luck. So why not take this time to forget online gaming all-together and make a game instead?

    PSN Still Down, What I Know...

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	logo.jpg 
Views:	38999 
Size:	4.5 KB 
ID:	379Having the PSN down has kinda sucked for me too. I was hoping to try Portal 2 online and even on Steam. PS3 ...
  3. Bulking up on Content

    Lately PGD has been seemingly a little short on content. At least compared to how it used to be. We have such a wonderful content management system just sitting there waiting to be used so I'm hoping to fix some of that.

    Video Tutorials

    I've just recently added a small handful of Matt (dazzapa) Shaffer's video tutorials that teach us a few cool tricks using GIMP that we could use with our games. I'm also digging around looking for some basic stuff for Free Pascal, Delphi ...
  4. New Blood & Beginner GAME Tutorials

    Hey everyone!

    I've been talking quite a bit with Pascal Programming for Schools site co-creator, Dr. Norman Morrison about ideas that would help better introduce students and young people to Pascal. It's also gotten me to think about how accessible PGD is to those new to making games with Pascal. There is a lot of information on the site in the older threads in the forums, but much of that covers rather advanced topics such as working with 3D meshes or HDR or the next API header or ...
  5. PGD Mobile?

    Now-a-days it seems like everyone is making their own mobile device App for their business or collection of services. Well what would you guys say to PGD getting it's own App for iPhone and Android phones? vBulletin has created their own App which is currently available at the iTunes App Store for free and it will soon be creating a kit where it's customers --this means us at PGD-- can have their own App created and offered FREE online for people with either of the two devices. It would be able ...
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