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  1. What has WILL been up to?

    Well it's been a while since I've posted a blog so I figured I'd let everyone in on some of the things I've been doing with my free time. I of course have been working on my Subject 33 game once again, which I've been trying to get working on the latest version of Lazarus for Mac OS X. I've also been relaxing and playing some cool new games for my iPad which I'll list for you below, because I enjoyed doing that last time.

    Porting Subject 33 to the Mac

    Well I'll give ...
  2. Subject 33: Return of the Robots

    Hey folks!

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Subject33.jpg 
Views:	55425 
Size:	4.3 KB 
ID:	296 Well I've been doing a bit of traveling lately and it's actually given me some time to crack open a few of my old projects again. Subject 33 was one of those projects that I got really attached to and wished that I had actually finished in some form. I started writing it back when I was just learning to use DelphiX back in 2001.

    It was originally a clone of an old Intellivision console game I used to play when I was a kid. It ...