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  1. New Staff Members!

    Hey everyone,

    I'd just like to announce that PGD has just just added two new Staff members. Please welcome both code_glitch who will be joining us as a Forum Moderator and philbermon who will be helping as a News Reporter. Thank you to both PGD members for stepping up to help the community run a little smoother.

    PGD's Staff is just starting to bulk up, we are still looking for others to help with tasks such as writers, advertisers and a couple more Moderators and News Reporters ...
    Tags: community, pgd, staff Add / Edit Tags
  2. PGD Staff Positions Are Open & We're Hiring

    Yup that's right folks, you too can help our beloved PGD community site continue to sparkle as it has this past couple of weeks. We're starting out on a new foot and a part of that is getting our house in order. That not only means our website software, but our staff too. For too long only a select few people have been trying to run things for the vast majority of all those Pascal developers out there (that you member!) who love coming here and seeing new and exciting things happening. Though we ...
    Tags: community, pgd, staff Add / Edit Tags