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  1. Managing Chaos & the Next Big PGD Event

    Hey all you faithful PGD Members!

    I'm finally posting another entry in my PGD Blog to tell you all about some of the great stuff that's been going on behind the scenes and what you will soon get to experience in the next few months.

    Stayin' Alive & Kickin'

    Well some of you might have noticed a little outage of the site just last month. Thanks to the efforts of Dominique Louis (savage), Christina Warne (AthenaOfDelphi) and Benjamin Gregg-Smith ...
  2. PGD Mobile?

    Now-a-days it seems like everyone is making their own mobile device App for their business or collection of services. Well what would you guys say to PGD getting it's own App for iPhone and Android phones? vBulletin has created their own App which is currently available at the iTunes App Store for free and it will soon be creating a kit where it's customers --this means us at PGD-- can have their own App created and offered FREE online for people with either of the two devices. It would be able ...