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  1. Astral Masters game on Steam

    I've launched a fundraising campaign to publish Astral Masters game on Steam.
    Now it's 70% done!
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	am_450_en.jpg 
Views:	35826 
Size:	103.1 KB 
ID:	1573
    Tags: steam Add / Edit Tags
    Community Announcement
  2. New engine release: Engine4

    Just published a new version of Astral Towers game which is built on the 4-th generation API of my Apus Game Engine (Engine4). The game works under Windows and Linux and uses SDL2 library for system management and input processing.

    The engine's revision used in this game is published at GitHub as Engine4-r1
    Tags: engine, steam Add / Edit Tags
    Developer Diary
  3. Apus Game Engine supports Linux

    Just ported my card game Astral Towers for Linux. It's a card game made with my open source pascal engine, which is available at Github (

    Now there are 2 game versions, both built from the same source code:

    • Windows - 32-bit, built with Delphi Community Edition.
    • Linux (64-bit, built with Lazarus 2.11 / FPC 3.3).

    The game project's source code is available for all my patrons at Patreon ( ...