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  1. Prometheus Google Code

    Just thought about how to make a more standard way of distributing the Prometheus source to everyone out there, and just worked it out: Google code.

    I will post when I have completed the first proper release of Prometheus, but until then all that will be hosted are the 0.1.2e Core and 0.1.6e Vid units. Note that I have added the e at the end to stand for extended as they are pretty much exactly the same as regular 0.1.2 and 0.1.6 versions but have some added functionality.

    Updated 14-10-2010 at 08:17 PM by code_glitch

    Tags: prometheus Add / Edit Tags
  2. Prometheus TTF

    Writing the font support procedures and functions into Prometheus_Vid unit now. Just wondering whether people would prefer:

    Load Font -> variable
    Drawtext (x,y, font, text)

    Loadfont(fontname, source)
    DrawText(x,y, fontname, text)
    They're similar, but one uses a library and the other uses a specific font variable... Any thoughts? At this point I'm leaning towards the former option, but ...
    Tags: prometheus Add / Edit Tags