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  1. New Staff Members!

    Hey everyone,

    I'd just like to announce that PGD has just just added two new Staff members. Please welcome both code_glitch who will be joining us as a Forum Moderator and philbermon who will be helping as a News Reporter. Thank you to both PGD members for stepping up to help the community run a little smoother.

    PGD's Staff is just starting to bulk up, we are still looking for others to help with tasks such as writers, advertisers and a couple more Moderators and News Reporters ...
    Tags: community, pgd, staff Add / Edit Tags
  2. Prometheus Google Code

    Just thought about how to make a more standard way of distributing the Prometheus source to everyone out there, and just worked it out: Google code.

    I will post when I have completed the first proper release of Prometheus, but until then all that will be hosted are the 0.1.2e Core and 0.1.6e Vid units. Note that I have added the e at the end to stand for extended as they are pretty much exactly the same as regular 0.1.2 and 0.1.6 versions but have some added functionality.

    Updated 14-10-2010 at 08:17 PM by code_glitch

    Tags: prometheus Add / Edit Tags
  3. Prometheus TTF

    Writing the font support procedures and functions into Prometheus_Vid unit now. Just wondering whether people would prefer:

    Load Font -> variable
    Drawtext (x,y, font, text)

    Loadfont(fontname, source)
    DrawText(x,y, fontname, text)
    They're similar, but one uses a library and the other uses a specific font variable... Any thoughts? At this point I'm leaning towards the former option, but ...
    Tags: prometheus Add / Edit Tags
  4. 4.0.7 Site Software Update

    I have just completed a minor software update that fixed a few small bugs. Most notably the file attachment for CMS Articles causing a MySQL error while trying to save. This is now fixed and you can attach files without worrying about losing your work while saving.

    There were over 50 minor fixes that you can read about here:
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  5. Devmania and a Pascal game

    So, me and some teammates of mine from Incognita Studios were at the Devmania in Mainz, Germany this week-end.
    What is Devmania you might ask? It is a get-together for german independent game developers which lasted about 24 hours beginning Saturday 2 pm local time. Besides having project presentations and talks they organisators were also hosting an overnight contest in which an entry had to incorporate the theme moonlight. We had about 18 hours to complete a game. We started with Processing.js, ...
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