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  1. Crash and Consequences

    As some with reporter/staff privileges may have noticed, Spam was rife in the last few days - and for once I have a good reason to not have logged on in the past few days...

    Bar the history, the problem I faced at the start of the week was an entirely re-written inode structure on my home ext4 partition - linux users among us will note this as serious.

    To make matters worse, this occurred while I was testing out direct access to the disc in an attempt to manipulate Ext ...
  2. Windows 8 - First Impressions

    Now, as you may/may not be aware, windows 8 is now in its public infancy - early after windows 7 and there is a very good reason for that. Once you take a look at the base of the UI you find that it seems to have its roots sturdily sunk into Windows phone 7, the future as MS called it.

    Now, I have an Acer Aspire 1425p, (and I might get the bitter truth out there early) with a capacitative multi touch screen on which to run this startmenu-less OS - but I doubt many others do . Further, ...

    Updated 20-09-2011 at 09:25 PM by code_glitch
