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Thanks AthenaOfDelphi
Last week-end I was in Ulm at a meet-up for Lazarus and FreePascal developers at which I held a talk about game development and rapid game prototyping. The talk is in german, but I added english subtitles. If you set the video quality to 720p and fullscreen, you can even see the code (most of the time). Its length was originally 35 minutes, but I had to cut it down to 15 minutes. I hope you can still enjoy the video, ...
Hello everyone! AJAX Chat It's been some time, but I've finally gotten around to writing a new blog about what's going on in the community. First off, we are discussing options for an AJAX-based Chat system for the site which will allow us to integrate with vBulletin's existing database of site members. This will allow Pascal programmers and game programmers that use Pascal or Object Pascal to have a place that they can hang out and chat with other like-minded programmers ...
So, me and some teammates of mine from Incognita Studios were at the Devmania in Mainz, Germany this week-end. What is Devmania you might ask? It is a get-together for german independent game developers which lasted about 24 hours beginning Saturday 2 pm local time. Besides having project presentations and talks they organisators were also hosting an overnight contest in which an entry had to incorporate the theme moonlight. We had about 18 hours to complete a game. We started with Processing.js, ...
Yesterday I was at Embarcadero in Action LIVE! in Munich. Well, not exactly in Munich, but near Munich, but that's an another story I was never at one of Embarcadero events, so this was a whole new experience for me. As I expected I was the youngest one there and probably the only one interested in multimedia and game development. About half of the event was spent on promoting database products. They showed some of the new features of Delphi XE and C++ Builder XE such as Subversion ...
So they want to remove ability to resell our used games, right? Well, I'm against these practices. They are fully powered by greed. Mark my words there will be times when you'll pay for brand new game same as for 5 years old if it passes. They say that this is to provide more revenue to game developers. You know what? That's bullshit. Want more revenue streams? Make more damn games. Or go into F2P, I don't care. There are also subscription-based model which provides ...