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  1. Ludum Dare Compo #34 Is Over

    That's it, it's done.

    48 hours and I have a rough working game.

    Source is available on here or you can download the compiled binaries (Win32 only I'm afraid) here

    Did anyone else submit a Pascal game?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Submission_Intro.jpg 
Views:	13833 
Size:	85.1 KB 
ID:	1385   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Submission_Game.jpg 
Views:	13672 
Size:	96.5 KB 
ID:	1386  
  2. Ludum Dare 34 and a bit of a catchup

    Well, after a somewhat busy year, it's Christmas and I'm glad to see the site is till ticking over. Don't think I've not been checking up on the place, because I have.

    A little explanation for my extended absence is in order I feel. As some of you know I was studying for a maths degree, but due to work commitments (and some other more fun things which I'll come onto in a moment) it's become abundantly clear this year that I just don't have the time to dedicate to study. So after ...
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	LD34-4h25m In.jpg 
Views:	13491 
Size:	71.4 KB 
ID:	1384  
  3. Why ISPs are evil...

    So this is a bit of rant about some damn ISPs we have in the UK that seem to embrace malpractice and lack any common sense...

    In the UK, there's this new fad that has been going for some time and no one seems to be able to kill: ISPs advertising the hell out of literally everything they offer. I can't remember the last time I sat down in front of a screen and wasn't played a BT infinity, virgin media, sky everywhere type advert offering some comparatively crappy deal. I mean 40GB of ...
  4. Open source radeon, OpenCL, clover and some borked darktable...

    So I've been delving into some OpenCL lately - and thats been going ok. I'm writing up some tutorials on getting into OpenCL with FPC too so keep your eyes peeled for that sometime. The 1st installment is a few formatting fixes away, the 2nd is still in LibreOffice for the next few days... But OpenCL has its uses on linux - darktable being my main usage case as I enjoy a spot of photography here and there and when it comes to RAW files and post production, having an ATI card do the lifting really ...

    Updated 30-05-2014 at 01:14 AM by code_glitch

  5. Exam time, Heinemann, ie6 and a useful fix...

    So its gotten to that time of year when people sitting A levels have to open text books and complete set work from them and their bundled CDs. Thats fine and although it took me a while to find those things and dust them off , they dont work on Linux. Or OS X. Or Windows 7.In fact they dont work on anything except ie6 and activex. Or ie7 in its vanilla state with no updates. Also with activex.

    Now, its not that I couldnt get a VM, get XP installed on it, install the activex plugins ...
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