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  1. Feature Block - Its a lot like writers block...

    So, again, its blog time... Prometheus is begin abused by me, stuck onto a USB drive and shipped to all weird and wonderful OSes I can compile for.. So far, I've had no problems with Win200, XP, Vista, and & (even the new opengl breed ), Ubuntu 9.04, 9.10, 10.04 and 10.10, meego netbook i586, and soon meego tablet, nintendo ds lite along with a possiblity of android so yay...

    But meanwhile I look up and do some testing I thought: prometheus works quite good and I am getting some ...
  2. Bulking up on Content

    Lately PGD has been seemingly a little short on content. At least compared to how it used to be. We have such a wonderful content management system just sitting there waiting to be used so I'm hoping to fix some of that.

    Video Tutorials

    I've just recently added a small handful of Matt (dazzapa) Shaffer's video tutorials that teach us a few cool tricks using GIMP that we could use with our games. I'm also digging around looking for some basic stuff for Free Pascal, Delphi ...
  3. Some demo making...

    Had a few queries lately to do with Prometheus, (only 1 of which was here on PGD ) and I had some code lying around and 10 minutes so I whipped up a really quick demo. Might have some bugs, but its all commented and etc if you were curious at just how close to human speak it really was or wanted to criticise some code (my style gets to a lot of people. In my defence though it looks good in tree view). I attached the source and etc as a zip with my first attempt at a ReadME Prometheus Ship Demo SVNR-51| ...
  4. Subject 33: Return of the Robots

    Hey folks!

    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	296 Well I've been doing a bit of traveling lately and it's actually given me some time to crack open a few of my old projects again. Subject 33 was one of those projects that I got really attached to and wished that I had actually finished in some form. I started writing it back when I was just learning to use DelphiX back in 2001.

    It was originally a clone of an old Intellivision console game I used to play when I was a kid. It ...
  5. iPad 2... Wow!

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	ipad-2-a.jpg 
Views:	120401 
Size:	12.3 KB 
ID:	295 Just had a look at the latest keynote speech from Apple where they showed off a few presentations about whats coming in 2011 for iPad existing and future users. The biggest one of course was the iPad 2, which leaves the first model in it's dust. Completely remodeled so it sits flatter, lighter and is thinner. Now includes a forward facing and rearward facing camera, which was expected by most. Then there is the A5 chip which is 2 times faster than the first iPad's processor ...
    Tags: apple, ios, ipad Add / Edit Tags
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