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Thanks AthenaOfDelphi
Now, as you may/may not be aware, windows 8 is now in its public infancy - early after windows 7 and there is a very good reason for that. Once you take a look at the base of the UI you find that it seems to have its roots sturdily sunk into Windows phone 7, the future as MS called it. Now, I have an Acer Aspire 1425p, (and I might get the bitter truth out there early) with a capacitative multi touch screen on which to run this startmenu-less OS - but I doubt many others do . Further, ...
Updated 20-09-2011 at 09:25 PM by code_glitch
Now, the Ludum Dare has my thanks for this next bit in helping me realize once again how fun and addicting coding can be at its best - just the sheer spirit behind Ludumdare lead me to overhaul a lot of ideas and reconsider some concepts that I'd once deemed useless or unfeasible. And to start that new philosophy off there are a few new little announcements to be made: -I'm permanently scrapping the fixed array for dynamic arrays... With a new load of GetMem SetLength and etc ...
Hello everyone! AJAX Chat It's been some time, but I've finally gotten around to writing a new blog about what's going on in the community. First off, we are discussing options for an AJAX-based Chat system for the site which will allow us to integrate with vBulletin's existing database of site members. This will allow Pascal programmers and game programmers that use Pascal or Object Pascal to have a place that they can hang out and chat with other like-minded programmers ...
So, the PGD mini compos number 1 (or shall we say 0 in programmer talk ?) finally got underway... As a rule of thumb, I'll most likely be posting quite often on progress and etc related to my game entry - since its a habbit I got into during the LD20 and now can't get rid of it... Whipped out exactly the same custom prometheus revision as the Ludum Dare challenge bar a few tweaks in constants, images, config handling and other minor mods. Approximately 2 hours of ...
As luck would have it, its still exam week (or more appropriately exam month ) and as with all things in life, it all has to happen at the same time... Oh well. Things look better than Ludum Dare #20 on my end in the run up for the PGD Mini Compo (we need a cool acronym for this one, hit me up on the comments with any ideas ). Translation: Things are better than 'I think it works... Well enough'. Its a phenomenon highlighted by my first Ludum Dare entry. Things might work very well ...
Updated 15-06-2011 at 03:15 AM by WILL (Added question mark. ;))