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Thanks AthenaOfDelphi
So recently I installed meego on my tablet. Fun. Then I found out it literally does nothing but open source, so no codecs. At all. Note to users who want to use meego but also want to have mp3 and video support look here: http://ftp.yandex.ru/mirrors/meego-c.../meego1.0/i386 for your packages, this is the fastest way (compared to a 50min compile time for all dependencies)... Anyway, lets cut to the chase. Finally got back to prometheus development, and I found Andru's getting busy ...
So you guys remember when he says somthing like 'pass on what you have learned'? Well the sotry happens in a land not so far away (UK) that used to have an empire (not any more)... It all began when WILL asks for new turorials - too glad to oblige the Code Glitch sets out on his trek of the light side of the force to pass on his knowledge of a game of oldden times of how to make a game of pong. So it gets kicked off - but there is one thing yoda had not foreseen: the dark side ...
Yesterday I was at Embarcadero in Action LIVE! in Munich. Well, not exactly in Munich, but near Munich, but that's an another story I was never at one of Embarcadero events, so this was a whole new experience for me. As I expected I was the youngest one there and probably the only one interested in multimedia and game development. About half of the event was spent on promoting database products. They showed some of the new features of Delphi XE and C++ Builder XE such as Subversion ...
Hey everyone! I've been talking quite a bit with Pascal Programming for Schools site co-creator, Dr. Norman Morrison about ideas that would help better introduce students and young people to Pascal. It's also gotten me to think about how accessible PGD is to those new to making games with Pascal. There is a lot of information on the site in the older threads in the forums, but much of that covers rather advanced topics such as working with 3D meshes or HDR or the next API header or ...
So I was thinking, after going to all this trouble of making OpenGl work with Sdl in an easy interface - how much slower would it be than plain old sdl? So I came up with two small little programs to test this out. Prometheus_Vid would go up against sdl_image and sdl. The challenge was simple: how many pixels of a png can each contestant blit in 1 second. The destination would be a 640x480 windows in 32 bit colour mode. No flags for sdl, no special performance modes for Prometheus. ...
Updated 16-01-2011 at 04:37 PM by code_glitch