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Feel like blogging a brief rant about something? Talk about it.

  1. My stance on used games

    So they want to remove ability to resell our used games, right? Well, I'm against these practices. They are fully powered by greed.

    Mark my words there will be times when you'll pay for brand new game same as for 5 years old if it passes.

    They say that this is to provide more revenue to game developers. You know what? That's bullshit. Want more revenue streams? Make more damn games. Or go into F2P, I don't care. There are also subscription-based model which provides ...
  2. 2nd PGD Challenge & Jolting The Community

    Hey everyone!

    It's been a while since I wrote a new blog, so I figured that I should make an attempt to give you all a slice of my thoughts of late. I've been a little busy for the past few months, so you all know I have a full-time career on top of all this volunteer stuff I do with the community. Though I love it, I have to put food on the table after all, right?

    I've been back in full swing over the past few weeks however and I've ben trying to jolt the community into ...
  3. Dragon Quest's 25th Anniversary

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ID:	392Well it's officially been 25 years since the birth of one of the greatest series in history that inspired nearly every current-day aspect of the modern RPG. Square Enix is making a big deal of their accomplishments and releasing the original 3 Dragon Quest games for the Wii's virtual console. Unfortunately, they seem to be doing so only for the Japanese public as nothing has been announced for release to the English population who has it's own fan-base.

    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	393Dragon ...
  4. iPad 2... Wow!

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ID:	295 Just had a look at the latest keynote speech from Apple where they showed off a few presentations about whats coming in 2011 for iPad existing and future users. The biggest one of course was the iPad 2, which leaves the first model in it's dust. Completely remodeled so it sits flatter, lighter and is thinner. Now includes a forward facing and rearward facing camera, which was expected by most. Then there is the A5 chip which is 2 times faster than the first iPad's processor ...
    Tags: apple, ios, ipad Add / Edit Tags
  5. What About...

    You know I've been thinking a lot about software development and computers in general lately since I bought my first Mac just this last year. A whole bunch of ideas and questions have been coming to mind, especially since Embarcadero's big announcement that Delphi would be brought to the Mac a year or so ago.

    Ideas from Apple

    For example some time after getting my Mac and using it, I thought..."Why on Earth did I really hate these things and rag on users for ...
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