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  1. Support for Vertex/Index Buffers

    Added support for vertex/index buffers to the engine. Yes, yes, until now there were no GL buffers support in the engine - the geometry was always drawn directly from memory. This may seem strange, because everywhere they write that it is absolutely necessary to use OpenGL buffers for performance reasons. But in practice, everything worked quite fine without buffers - even on mobile devices.

    To check this out I wrote a small demo that draws a million triangles in a frame. On an old
    Tags: delphi, opengl Add / Edit Tags
  2. 3D support!

    3D support has been brought into the engine! Added a couple of projects on 3D theme, including projection shadows (shadow map):
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	shadows.png 
Views:	20377 
Size:	8.8 KB 
ID:	1568
    In principle, 3D rendering was possible in the past - the engine did not interfere with this, but did not help either (except the camera/projection helpers). Now more and more functionality commonly used for rendering 3D scenes is gradually transferred to the engine, so no manual OpenGL calls are required. Currently, there is not

    Updated 07-09-2021 at 12:13 PM by Cooler (category)

    Developer Diary
  3. Subject 33: Return of the Robots

    Hey folks!

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Subject33.jpg 
Views:	55083 
Size:	4.3 KB 
ID:	296 Well I've been doing a bit of traveling lately and it's actually given me some time to crack open a few of my old projects again. Subject 33 was one of those projects that I got really attached to and wished that I had actually finished in some form. I started writing it back when I was just learning to use DelphiX back in 2001.

    It was originally a clone of an old Intellivision console game I used to play when I was a kid. It ...
  4. Got an iPad for Christmas & A Little about Red Ant Games

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	4341.ipad-in-Canada.jpg 
Views:	135436 
Size:	28.9 KB 
ID:	185Well I finally got one and I love it. When I was younger, I used to dream about such devices after watching several episodes of Star Trek and seeing how great such an idea was to have a tablet sized computer that you can take with you and set it down ready to use almost everywhere. Well now I've got one and it's awesome.

    One of the most exciting things about having this new device, other than all the cool apps that you can get, is the fact that I can also ...
  5. What About...

    You know I've been thinking a lot about software development and computers in general lately since I bought my first Mac just this last year. A whole bunch of ideas and questions have been coming to mind, especially since Embarcadero's big announcement that Delphi would be brought to the Mac a year or so ago.

    Ideas from Apple

    For example some time after getting my Mac and using it, I thought..."Why on Earth did I really hate these things and rag on users for ...
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