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  1. PSN Still Down, Dev Tool / Language Guides

    Hey folks! Yeah the poor PlayStation Network (aka PSN) is still down and all those of you who wanted to play the latest games like Portal 2, Mortal Kombat and even Little Big Planet 2 online are Sure Out of Luck. So why not take this time to forget online gaming all-together and make a game instead?

    PSN Still Down, What I Know...

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	logo.jpg 
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ID:	379Having the PSN down has kinda sucked for me too. I was hoping to try Portal 2 online and even on Steam. PS3 ...
  2. What About...

    You know I've been thinking a lot about software development and computers in general lately since I bought my first Mac just this last year. A whole bunch of ideas and questions have been coming to mind, especially since Embarcadero's big announcement that Delphi would be brought to the Mac a year or so ago.

    Ideas from Apple

    For example some time after getting my Mac and using it, I thought..."Why on Earth did I really hate these things and rag on users for ...
  3. I Think We Made a Friend

    I was looking around the vast internet looking for a new and exciting news piece to put up on the front page when I stumbled across this guy's blog. "Delphi Hater's Blog" Well wouldn't you know it, I just HAD to read it.

    It's just under a year old, but considering that he paints us in a bad light and we haven't really had much of a chance to tell our side of things, I think it's still only fair that we bring it up. Do keep in mind that this person is obviously very opinionated ...