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  • A Lot of Buzz about Delphi XE

    Delphi XE from Embarcadero is now available and a lot of developers and software development enthusiasts are getting all excited about it. Such one person would also be Marco Cant??, the author of many Delphi book titles over the years. You can get in on the blogging action by going to his personal blog site, chock full of Delphi XE related material about bugs, "goodies" and other wonderful technical splendor. His blog is available here.

    Also out to a YouTube near you is a couple of videos about the new XE line-up and some of what they can do. Though it does go quite a bit in-depth, some of it is rather interesting and could lead to some useful enhancements depending on how you currently code your projects. Have a watch and judge for yourself.

    David I and Michael Rozlog Preview #1
    Delphi XE, Delphi Prism XE and RADPHP XE

    David I and Michael Rozlog Preview #2
    Optimization and Build Automation

    More information about the new version of Delphi XE and Delphi Prism XE can be found here!
    Comments 1 Comment
    1. arthurprs's Avatar
      arthurprs -
      Great additions, the profiler for example looks awesome!
      If the price weren't that high, Delphi would have much more chance in the market :/