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  • Scare Yourself with Tower 22

    This creepy new game concept by Rick Nieuwlaat from the Netherlands, has the working title of Tower 22. This game demo has an amazing amount of detail so far and does a great job both musically and visually to stand the hairs up on the back of your neck. The game engine is being developed with Delphi 7 using OpenGL 1.x. Goes to show you just want that old combination can still do after all these years.

    The game's story puts you in Russia as a caretaker of an old Soviet era flat. You fix things about the place as they come up, but after a few days you've not seen a single sole and start to suspect that something is going on. Are you really alone or is someone still in the building hiding?

    Gameplay video of Tower 22 Demo

    You can check out the project's 'Image of the Day' post on GameDev.net here or you can read more about the project on Rick's official blog at tower22.blogspot.com.

    Screenshots and Concept Graphics from Tower 22 Project