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  • RemObjects TV

    Our friends at RemObjects Software have recently added a new section of their site in the form of a video channel for screen casts and video presentations of their products and other related technologies that they work with. Over the summer they have released new tools and technologies to aid the software developer which they will be talking about in the coming months, however for now they do have some pretty interesting videos about Hydra, Oxygene and Data Abstract.

    Oxygene is the compiler portion of Embarcadero's Delphi Prism tool for making .NET programs, and successor to the old stand-alone Chrome compiler and Visual Studio plug-in. Delphi Prism uses both the Oxygene compiler and Visual Studio IDE shell along with several other supporting libraries to make up the RAD suite of tools.

    Hydra is an application framework that lets developers create applications that can combine managed code for .NET and unmanaged code from Delphi in the same project. Essentially it's a bridge between Delphi Prism and Delphi for Windows. However, if you are fixed on making the move to .NET this may be a way to do it without losing a lot of your old Delphi-based code.

    Go check out RemObjects TV here. or if you have iTunes you can subscribe to RemObjects TV via podcast at itunes.apple.com.

    Also available on iTunes is RemObjects Radio found right here.
    Comments 1 Comment
    1. JSoftware's Avatar
      JSoftware -
      RemObjects got some cool stuff. I have used PascalScript in many of my programs

      All their stuff seems very solid, and polished