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  • Develop for Mac? App Store Opens Jan 6th!

    In case you haven't heard by now, the Macintosh computer is getting it's own App Store for Mac OS X applications. This would be very exciting for those who already develop for the Mac or those wanting to get their games into one of Apple's App Stores. It should be much like the iTunes version of the App Store for the iPhone and iPad and will make use of existing Apple accounts.

    To sign up yourself as a developer will only cost you $99 USD a year. This will give you all the access to resources and the support you need to distribute your Apps on the Mac App store.

    Already signed up as an Apple Developer? Go to developer.apple.com for more information about how to get your apps in the new Mac App Store!
    Comments 3 Comments
    1. code_glitch's Avatar
      code_glitch -
      To sign up yourself as a developer will only cost you $99 USD a year
      And that is Apple's first mistake: why is linux and windows so successful, but especially linux? Because good software can be developed and released at no cost at all. All this does is give an extra advantage to closed source, commercial software over open source and free software by individual developers and discourages the linux approach...

      Damn you apple, pulling off a stunt like this. App store good. sign up cost bad. I may have considered taking a look at this - but with the fee looks like I will have to wait for this to come to linux. Oh wait it already has. I can just use the Ubuntu software centre. Hey Apple - did you just plagiarise something AGAIN??
    1. WILL's Avatar
      WILL -
      I don't see the fee as such a big deal. In fact it's not a lot at all. It's practically the same as setting up a website for a year. Beyond that it's not just Apple that does this it's Microsoft, Sony and even Nintendo as well.

      $99 a year to have maximum exposure to a new and exciting App market similar to the iPhone App Store is a pretty decent bargain. considering the other ways you'd have to promote your Apps to get them the kind of exposure the store would give. The fact that a Linux based group is doing something like this for free is nice, but I wouldn't expect FREE to become the norm in a commercial enterprise. Especially if you plan on selling your own projects. That doesn't seem fair does it?

      Oh and to be clear you can still get XCode and general developer resources for FREE just by registering, the fee is only for getting access to the Mac App Store.
    1. farcodev's Avatar
      farcodev -
      I don't like much all these PAID centralized app stores.

      It's a no-brainer for the consumer and a software dictatorship model, like Apple like these.