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  • Apple Reveals More About Lion

    Apple Inc. has just announced some of the top features that will go into the new Mac OS X Lion coming out in the summer of 2011. As announced in past keynote speeches and other posted announcements, one of the main goals for this new version is to take some of the new features that were put into the iOS operating system and bring them back to the Mac.

    Some of these interesting new features include; the Mac App Store, Launchpad, full-screen apps, Mission Control, gestures and animations, document-based app features such as 'auto save', 'versions' and 'resume', as well as the new Mail 5, AirDrop, the FileVualt and Lion Server.

    Also Apple is now providing a download of the Mac OS X Lion Developer Preview to all those enrolled in the Mac Developer Program so that Mac developers can get all their apps ready to be in the Mac App Store when Lion ships in the summer. This is however only available to those enrolled into the program, not everyone who has registered as an Apple Developer using their free tools.

    Get more information about the Mac Developer Program to program for the Mac at developer.apple.com.

    Read more about the exciting new Mac OS X Lion release at www.apple.com.

    Steve Jobs explaining Mac OS X Lion at Keynote Presentation

    Craig Federighi presents new Mac OS X Lion features at Keynote Presentation
    Comments 1 Comment
    1. farcodev's Avatar
      farcodev -
      A new OS must show anything else than kitty stupid UI additions taken from iOS....