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  • GameDev.net Brings Back IOTD

    Hey all you IOTD fans out there. Are you missing the 'Image of the Day' feature on GameDev.net? Well it's back now and they seem to have started over. You can now post all your super-cool screenshots up on GameDev.net once again and show off your newest creations.

    NOTE: You must have a GameDev.net account to submit an IOTD. Registration is free however.

    Go to www.gamedev.net and post your stuff!
    Comments 7 Comments
    1. paul_nicholls's Avatar
      paul_nicholls -
      Nice to know, thanks Jason

    1. de_jean_7777's Avatar
      de_jean_7777 -
      Finally, great! One of my favorite things about gamedev.net was the image of the day. It was always nice to see what other people have been working on. Shame it was neglected for such a long period of time. This would be a nice feature for PGD too, but I guess it would not be easy to implement this.
    1. chronozphere's Avatar
      chronozphere -
      Welcome back IOTD!

      Yes if it's possible to add this into vBulletin, it would really add something to the site (Hope enough people provide pictures ofcourse).
    1. code_glitch's Avatar
      code_glitch -
      Some very nice stuff on there. I shudder to think of the Man Months (thanks moore ) displayed in a single image, every single day...
    1. farcodev's Avatar
      farcodev -
      Better later than never.... my annual paid contribution to this site will go to PGD the next year, it's time to support something that really mean something.

      Sorry for my grumpy post
    1. vgo's Avatar
      vgo -
      IOTD is the best thing in GD.net, before that I used to hang out at flipcode.com in their IOTD forums.
    1. Ñuño Martínez's Avatar
      Ñuño Martínez -
      Me too! (What vgo said )