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  • Poser 15th Anniversary, Win an iPad or MacBook Pro Laptop

    Well if your a fan of the Poser tool designed to render and animate 3D characters, then this will be rather exciting for two reasons. First, it's Poser's 15th Anniversary and second, you could win a MacBook Pro Laptop or iPad!

    Smith Micro, the makers of Poser is holding a contest where if you write them a 'Love Letter' telling them just how much you love Poser and what it's done for you. They will then choose four winning entries out of the bunch and shower them with prizes, including copies of their Poser and other tools.

    The contest runs from 7 Sept 2010 to 30 Sept 2010 at midnight Pacific Time. Scores will be based on a 100 point scale; 50% for Originality, 20% for Creativity, 20% for Matching to Theme and 10% for Grammar.

    Full contest details and entry information can be read at poser.smithmicro.com/15years!