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  • Free Delphi Certification Program

    Embarcadero is now offering free Delphi Certification to all those that want an official acknowledgement of your skills with both the Object Pascal language and the Delphi IDE and tools. You can get one of two types of certifications, the 'Delphi Developer Certification' or the 'Delphi Master Developer Certification.'

    From Embarcadero's Delphi Developer Certification pages, the following classifications of available testing is as follows;

    Delphi Certified Developer Testing:

    "The Delphi Certified Developer exam tests your general knowledge of Delphi programming concepts. You will be tested on language syntax, programming techniques, using the IDE, and database development. The test will identify you as a special member of the global Delphi community. Developers who use the study guide and have at least two years of Delphi programming experience should be able to pass the Delphi Certified Developer exam."

    Delphi Master Developer Testing:

    "The Delphi Certified Master Developer exam tests your advanced knowledge of Delphi programming concepts, software architecture choices, and the depth and breadth of Delphi XE’s software development capabilities. You will be tested on fundamental and advanced Delphi language syntax, programming techniques, using the IDE, building projects and groups, component use and development, and your experience in architecting and building desktop, client/server, Internet and multi-tier applications. Passing this exam test will identify you as an elite member of the global Delphi community. Developers who use the study guide and have at least four years of Delphi programming experience should be able to pass the exam."

    There will be a free webinar on June 21st explaining how you can get yourself one of these official certificates to boast on your own resume. You can register at forms.embarcadero.com.

    Read more about this new certification program at www.embarcadero.com.

    News Source: Delphi.About.com