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  • UK Student has a Cow Game

    Student Peter has released his platform game on the Pascal Programming for Schools website. The hero character is a cow that has to traverse 5 levels to get to the end goal a silver cup trophy. There is even a built-in cheat system too. SDL is used for the primary API for graphics and user input.

    Things to look for on the way are the poisonous sea, large jumping elephants and bomb dropping blimps. Can you make it to the end without using Peter's cheat system?

    Try out Adventures of a Cow or take a look at it's source at www.pp4s.co.uk.

    Also if you liked this game, you can check out Peter's previous platformer, 'Adventures of a Donkey' made using the WinGraph library right here.

    Adventures of a Donkey Screenshot
    Comments 1 Comment
    1. Ñuño Martínez's Avatar
      Ñuño Martínez -
      They reminds me that old games published in MSX and SpectrumZX magazines, when we lose the afternoon typing BASIC code in our micros...