You can grab the header over at They work with Delphi (obviously Windows-only, for now) and Free Pascal. (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X)
Here is a message from DelphiGL to all the Delphi users that are registered over at the Embarcadero Developer Network:
"For a long time now the Delphi OpenGL headers haven't been updated and lack roughly the last 10 years or more of OpenGL advancements and even include errors. So I've set up a report over at the quality central of the EDN that should make Embarcadero aware of this (you can find the report here) and hopefully, if enough people vote on this they may rethink this and add our headers (that have become a de-facto standard among Delphi / Object Pascal OpenGL devs) to Delphi so that Delphi users can use current OpenGL functionality right out of the box"
News Source: Sascha Willems at Sascha Willems / DelphiGL
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