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  • Stanford Engineering: Free Online Courses

    Hey indie game programmers! This amazing international opportunity has just came from one of the top universities in the world, Stanford University. Stanford Engineering is now offering three courses online for FREE. Yes that's right, you pay nothing. Not only will the videos of the professor's lectures be accessible to you, but you will also be able to take part in all the materials the course would normally offer. This includes homework, programming assignments and even exams that you will get marked by a university professor at Stanford University School of Engineering.

    Not living in the United States? No problem, these courses are setup to be international.

    What are the courses?

    See below for a brief video introducing the courses below!

    So how does this all sound to you? Exciting? Daunting and scary? Or are you on the fence wondering if you should check this out or not? Well no matter which one you are, this is a great opportunity for anyone interested in Artificial Intelligence and lessons learned here could be incredibly useful in your own game projects in the future where a computer opponent or computer assisted game-play may be required.

    Should use in your own games not be a motivator, perhaps the fact that you will be able to use your participation and your performance in this course on your own resume/CV which could help you later on in a potential job hunt.

    Best of all, it's completely free. You just need to put the time in for it. University level education doesn't always come delivered to your door, but in this rare case it has, so what will you do with it?

    News Source: Jim McKeith on Twitter
    Comments 3 Comments
    1. Winwardo's Avatar
      Winwardo -
      Oh wow, this is excellent

      I'll definitely start looking at the Artificial Intelligence one, and if it's interesting enough, hopefully I'll be able to follow it through to the end? Who knows
      Thanks for sharing this WILL
    1. farcodev's Avatar
      farcodev -
      i just signed up for Machine learning class

      This end of year will be loaded because i begin also 2 insurance cert courses in september, but good for the brain

      Thanks for sharing this smart news
    1. Ingemar's Avatar
      Ingemar -
      42000 students in a course! I wouldn't want to be the professor handling the grades! Not even if only 10% complete it.