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  • Epic Asphyre Sphinx 2 Release

    Just today Yuriy Kotsarenko of Ixchel Studios has announced the release of a new major version of Asphyre Sphinx. The second version of one of the most popular game libraries around and one of the few that have been around since the early days of the original Object Pascal game libraries, has been updated for the new Delphi XE2 with the Update 1 patch from Embarcadero. Alternatively it will also work for Free Pascal and Lazarus.

    Update adds support of the following platforms to Asphyre:

    • Windows 64-bit
    • Mac OS X
    • iOS

    From the Website:
    "The applications powered by Asphyre Sphinx on Windows platform can use many providers including DirectX 7, DirectX 9, DirectX 9 Ex (Vista), DirectX 10, DirectX 10.1, DirectX 11 and/or OpenGL for displaying real-time graphics. The developer can decide whether to use one of the mentioned providers or let the user choose the provider at run-time. This feature is particularly useful for casual game developers where the game is required to run on the majority of consumer hardware. No external files and DLLs are required for Asphyre Sphinx applications to run. Applications developed for other platforms such as Mac OS and iOS use OpenGL and OpenGL ES 2.0 technologies respectively."
    You can still get legacy versions of Asphyre on the Afterwarp Interactive site at Ixchel Studios.

    Check out the new Asphyre Sphinx 2 at www.afterwarp.net.
    Comments 3 Comments
    1. code_glitch's Avatar
      code_glitch -
      Since this works with FPC and lazarus, could we not use it for say, linux or android development too as support for those are rolling out quite quickly
    1. WILL's Avatar
      WILL -
      Yeah, I'm quite happy that the community is succeeding at making all the new major platforms so readily available in their libraries.
    1. LP's Avatar
      LP -
      Sorry for the late reply, been in a hurry lately after moving to a new forum system, web site and Asphyre release.

      Quote Originally Posted by code_glitch View Post
      Since this works with FPC and lazarus, could we not use it for say, linux or android development too as support for those are rolling out quite quickly
      Yes, as I've mentioned in other thread, Asphyre compiles nicely in FPC/Lazarus using Delphi compatibility mode and that's how it is used on iOS since Delphi XE 2 actually relies on FPC for iOS compilation. The only thing required for Asphyre to work on other platforms in FPC/Lazarus is to make a compatible provider, taking Windows OpenGL provider as a reference (or the one from OpenGL ES 2.0, which uses shaders) and then port it to Linux/Mac OS/etc. The main OpenGL code will stay the same, only the initialization part will change.

      Unfortunately, I don't have Linux yet and don't have enough time to do it myself as in our game studio we are rushing the release of incoming game, which is already past its deadline by several months.

      By the way, an alternative GUI framework with another WYSIWYG editor for Asphyre Sphinx 2 is now available.