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  • Smart Mobile Studio or OP4JS

    These compiling Object Pascal into another code's byte-code seems to be a growing trend. Well now you can use a new development tool by Optimale Systemer called Smart Mobile Studio, or OP4JS as it was formerly titled during Alpha, to create JavaScript powered games using your favorite language.

    This new development environment tool is currently in Beta and has a RAD approach to the IDE similar to what Delphi and Lazarus users are used to with VCL and LCL.

    Screenshots of Smart Mobile Studio IDE

    Obvious major features to this tool would be the Object Pascal language and how it integrates/converts into JavaScript constructs. The main focus being taking your Object Pascal code and using it for HTML 5 web applications. This is something that developers of this tool hopes can help eliminate the "mobile-gap" as they call it so you can use it to get your projects onto a mobile phone or tablet device using controls and UI that have their own look and feel.

    As far as the OOP specific concepts that Object Pascal will bring to JavaScript, here is a list of the hard to achieve features that Smart Mobile Studio hopes to provide:

    • Concurrent data-types
    • True object inheritance
    • Virtual and abstract methods
    • Var parameters
    • Published properties
    • Reusable components
    • Interfaces

    Read more about Smart Mobile Studio at op4js.optimalesystemer.no.

    Check out an HTML 5 game being made using this very technology here in the forums!

    Video Demo of Smart Mobile Studio
    Comments 1 Comment
    1. Ñuño Martínez's Avatar
      Ñuño Martínez -

      The bad thing is that I haven't time to test it. I have so many things pending...